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Archive for December, 2013

Cognitive Science
by Tam

Therefore, already it was discovered that the words are polpveis and the thought not, of this form, does not have as not to perceive the disparity between both, to think and to speak. Pinker comes to strengthen its theory of the Mentals (language of the mind) when is mentioned in its book on the deaf people, where it speaks: ' ' Also we are knowing auditicas deficient language children devoid who had soon invented one. Still more pertinent it was the discovery of deficient auditory totalmentes adults destitute of language nor language of signals, nor written, nor labial reading, nor fala.' ' (Pinker, 2002, p.75). Steven Pinker, still makes, an inference of that the language closely is related with the experience human being. The people search to join themselves to change words, are in any place, are very probable that they establish one I dialogue. However, when the people do not have with who to talk, they speak alone, with its animals of esteem and even though with plants. Pinker affirms ' ' In our social relations what it earns it is not the physical force, but the verb – the orator eloquente, the seducer of the silver language, the persuasiva child who imposes its will against a father more musculoso.' ' (2002, p.7). In this reflexiva boarding, on the language human being, theoretician sends in them facts not only on the existing diversity of many languages, ' ' but yes on the instinct to learn, to say and to understand linguagem.' ' (PINKER, 2002, p.8) These quarentas years of sprouting and study of Cognitivas Sciences it could be observed some phenomena of the language, as well as when we start to understand the functioning of a digital photographic machine. Beyond enhancing the spreading of these information and discoveries on the functioning of the language, Pinker it also focuses, one another point, what it interests in them more necessarily, that is the visualization of the language not as a cultural device and yes a part of the biological constitution of the brain.

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December 15th


Traditional Korean Architecture
by Tam

History underfloor heating begins with pre-Christian times. One of the first heated floors were used by ancient Romans. In the fourth – fifth centuries BC, the heating system with underfloor heating has been widely distributed on the Korean peninsula, where it was called 'ondol'. Ondol, literally translated, means "warm stone." Ondol consists of three elements: fire, which was also used for cooking, horizontal channels in the floor and vertical flues to provide traction. Warm air from the fire passed through the winding channels in the floor, giving its heat, and exits through the exhaust pipe. For efficient operation of the system, it is necessary was to find a middle ground between the two conflicting conditions. On the one hand, the horizontal channels in the floor must have been tortuous and not very wide, so that warm air does not go outside, and gave his heat in the room.

On the other hand, to ensure good fuel combustion, the warm air was necessary as soon as possible outputs. Save data about the unique ancient ondol room, heating system which it was incredibly effective. One of kindling the fire was sufficient to maintain a comfortable floor temperature for 45 days. Unfortunately, in the early 1950's, during the Korean War, the room was completely destroyed. In 1982, room has been restored and is now very popular among tourists. After a single kindling fire, the floor remains warm for ten days in spring and spent three days in the winter. Traditional ondol rooms north part of the Korean peninsula different from those that were found south of the country. In the north, the kitchen and living room were not separated wall, and heat is supplied and from the floor and directly from the fireplace, making the heating system more effective.

In the south, kitchen and living room walls were divided so that the smoke from the fire did not get into the living room. Floor in a room heated by ondol, heated unevenly. The larger the path passed the air, the less warm became the floor. Respected people, the elderly, the guests are usually seated in the warmer areas of sex, which was considered a manifestation of respect. Nowadays, the traditional heating system ondol is extremely rare. Instead, we use modern technology – water and electric underfloor heating

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December 8th


Construction Of House Or Cottage
by Tam

The company offers its customers Ankorbild construction of houses and cottages in Kiev and the region. Through collaboration with a number of suppliers of building materials, own transportation fleet, we can offer you building a house or cottage in the Kyiv city and region at reasonable prices. How to start building a house or cottage you decide to start building a house or cottage. In the design of dwellings should be pay particular attention to several factors, including the purpose, which will serve as the house. For example, whether it's a home for permanent residence or summer, or perhaps it will be leased? Will it be a vacation home hunting lodge or guest house? Once you decide to, you can proceed directly to the design of the house. Choose carefully architectural design Try not to choose an architectural project the principle of "he's handsome." Do not forget that the project must meet the requirements of your family for years. The first thing to pay attention to size and floor plan home, and consider their financial opportunities.

Remember, the more the house, the more costs required for its construction and later for maintenance. Important: The law of any repairs, he can not simultaneously be a quick, inexpensive and good quality. In the best If carried out, only two of these conditions, at worst – not one. And this is largely dependent on the contractor you choose for the construction and repair work. Since ancient times, people are always choosing a place to at home, so that people like it is, built at higher elevations, or where children were playing … Over time, as the development of the standard of living has increased, and increased human needs. And the house or cottage is no longer simply refuge, and became a place for psychological relief, habitat of the family, leisure. People used to build houses themselves attracted to the construction of houses of relatives and friends, today you can find a company that builds affordable house, and bring the project to your home to perfection.

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December 2nd


Ukraine Lady
by Tam

Question: Many ladies in Ukraine are very suspect, and even fear of seeking a man of the West. You also have some fears? Answer: I think it is normal to have fears and suspicions. Who knows it may be a madman I exaggerate, of course, but.? I have heard positive stories only from my friends. The stories of how they found love in another country and still not complain that he decided to seek in the second half through marriage agencies. Question: did you know that many Western men are very distrustful, or dubious of finding a genuine and sincere Ukraine Lady? Have you heard these stories? Answer: I understand the mistrust and fears.

There are a large number of matrimonial agencies, you just deceive and defraud money from the pockets of foreign men, but definitely there are still many women who want to meet a stranger to build a serious relationship and family life and moved to his country. Increasingly more women are disappointed with the men of Ucrania.No are protected from bad situations and always can happen something that did not take into account, or not wait. So don’t stop in evil thoughts, only to take another step to a new life and new opportunities. Do question: Please, tell me, from the point of view as a Lady of Ukraine you believe that you can find a loving, affectionate and respectful man in a foreign country? Answer: I do not think that the man is from another country if he is different. I’m sure there are a lot of decent, intelligent and pleasant people abroad, is why I would like to find one for me. Question: have you heard personally from some very scary stories? Of terrible things to the ladies of Ukraine, in moving to a foreign country? Answer: Yes, I’ve seen some programs on television, but still the opinion.

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December 1st


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