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Maritime Transport
by Tam

Present to you an exciting simulation of maritime transport. Your task – to expand a successful transport company. You will need to control all aspects of the company and deal management. For more information see Mikkel Svane. In beginning of the game you have only one small ship, but earning money, you can acquires new vessels, as well as select cargo and port of call of many vacancies in the market. The motion of the sea is controlled in accordance with international agreements, and the ships themselves react to the steering and changing conditions as well as in the real world. Released: 2010 Genre: Simulator (Naval) / 3D Developer: Rolf-Dieter Klein foreign publishers: Rapture Interactive Ltd Russian publisher: Akella Platform: pc Type Publication: rip Language: Russian Medicine: Is present Size: 813 mb Game features: "15 container ships" Elaborate peace and economic model of "striking combination of genres of strategy and simulation" More than 90 ports Worldwide System Requirements: v Operating system: Windows xp (SP2) / Vista v Processor: Pentium iv / amd 2 GHz v Memory: 512 mb v Video: 256 mb with support DirectX 9.0c (Nvidia 5800, ati X900 or better) v Sound card: compatible with DirectX v Free space on hard disk: 1 gb Installation – Mount image – Install the game – Copy crack into the folder with a game – the game features rip * Removed Demos 5.74 gb * by MalyshShok Destination Port / Ports of Call (2010/RUS/RIP) Download LetItBit Download from Vip-File Download TurboBit Download ShareFlare.

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May 18th


Free Browser Based Online Game
by Tam

Crossroads of the Worlds – a free browser based online game, new to the Internet project is not yet a year old, but already it draws from all of the real world and invites them to comprehend this fantastic world of Virtual For Varkross most players, the nickname given fans of the project has become a place where they found the real, proven fighting friends, found the second half and put together the knot, feeling close to a decent, loving man and a shoulder on which you can rely on in time of emergency, as in this fascinating universe, and on the other side of the screen Every fight is a truly unforgettable experience (up to 20 players beginning of the battle, or 10 soldiers from each side. Where you'll see such large-scale slaughter, and the more they will be able to participate? Believe me – nowhere ). The fight generated a very balanced, and the opposing team you must find a player whose forces do not exceed your requirements, thus giving each team a chance to win. There are nice utility (snacks, great add-on), such as "cart shopkeeper, enabling you need to buy scrolls and Mana Recovery X directly during the battle, if you forget to do this before. Shadow (master replicas) arising near the enemy and your ally, not giving him a chance at salvation, the smell of blood on the battlefield, the wild cries of the dying, hiring intervene in the battle, in order to reverse the outcome of the massacre and battle your opponent, all this and more will not make you bored for a minute

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August 4th


Burning Studio Dvd
by Tam

With them, you can print a nice cover for a drive, test cd / dvd drive, edit the music and graphics and much more. Additional utilities too much. I've been using it since 2005 (when it was version 6). Recorded with her a bunch of cd / dvd drive, no problems observed. Recorded discs of different manufacturers. They were pros.

Now for the minuses. Nero is very large – about 300 mb (not all users have broadband Internet access). Nero is very much 'should be' on your computer, in particular in the registry Windows. When I had problems with program, I wanted to reinstall Nero, but you need to uninstall the previous version. And not removed. Entries in the registry and other folders is simply not a lot that just did not try. So now Nero is not my computer set;). Only the axis bear The 'weak' computers Nero will slow, ie program requires a lot of system resources.

However, in my opinion, the main disadvantage – that is what Nero leaves plenty of traces on your computer, from which is difficult to get rid of. I even official '' to help. In general, while working, Nero quite decent software for recording cd / dvd drives. Another very good program for recording cd / dvd discs – Ashampoo Burning Studio. I will not for a long time to talk about it I use it since 2008 and I can say about this program, only good. Ashampoo Burning Studio has all the advantages of the above 'Sockeye', but at the same time weighs much less and hampers are also smaller. Like Nero, the program – a full package for use with cd / dvd discs, which includes many different utilities. At the moment I'm recording cd / dvd discs with Ashampoo Burning Studio;). These were commercial (paid) program. Also in this blog, you can download the program (Free) for burning cd / dvd discs, which sometimes do not yield as above 'giants'. Need to personally test the selected programs and find the one that will be the most qualitative work with your cd / dvd drive and operating system. On Internet forums can be found completely opposite reviews of one and the program for recording cd / dvd drives. The reason may be a different cd / dvd drives, operating system (and especially in various dubious 'bloat' and alterations) and the users themselves. So stop listening, it's time to act:)). I have already made their choice and hassle-free recording quality cd / dvd drives.

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February 9th


Application Interface
by Tam

With the help of some software tools organize the output graphical user interface? You can, of course, 'sew' support for all currently existing video card, but it's a lot of work, plus what if the card was issued after the release of software product? Issue updates? This is also a lot of work for programmers company, which produces our text editor? It is obvious that this is a dead end road. ibm architects found a more elegant solution: api – Application Programm Interface (software Application Interface). Briefly the essence of the idea is this: thought out a standard 'language' in which all applications must communicate a command unit, returning to the example with the graphics card, comes up with a set of methods drawing, causing that your application can draw on the screen some primitives: point, line, rectangle, text. Of these methods, developers of the operating system are whole libraries and distribute free to all of the key at this point, programming languages. It turns out the programmer who is working on a text editor to draw a line to the screen, do not necessarily care about the support of all well-known video, but simply to write code like: Add ('biblioteka_videoprotsedur'); (0,0,100,100); Thus custom applications have learned to communicate with the operating system on standard language, but it did not solve the problem of multiple devices having different capabilities. As the operating system know how to file, click it to this device? It was then, and came up with the driver.

The idea is: let the operating system provides a special program signals on a standard for this operating system, language, and already this program will give commands to the device. This program, the driver is written for each device separately, so she knows how to communicate with him, is written and distributed by the driver, who developed the device. The word driver can be translated as 'upravlyatel' in this context so called program designed to interoperability of the operating system and device. The path that the signal passes from the moment of 'desire' application to draw a primitive, until the appearance of his on-screen, can be symbolically picture: 1. Application calls the API-method of the operating system. 2.

Operating system to the driver card and a standard language gives instructions for drawing primitives. 3. Video card driver, using low-level, unique to this model, graphics, language, gives it (video card) instructions for drawing primitives. 4. The video card converts the digital signal from the driver into an electric current that is passed to the monitor. 5. Monitor and interpret the signal that came to him, draws a picture. At first glance, unduly complex, but the use of such a model has many advantages, some of which I have described above. I hope after reading this article, the reader, it became clear that such a driver, and why it arose.

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February 3rd


Counter Strike 1.6
by Tam

For such a popular game ever come out updates that improve graphics and gameplay itself, make it more interesting. There are new and different in detail (Patches, Bots, player models, configurations, Sounds, Sprites, menu, models of weapons and maps.) So we decided to put it all together to make your life easier, so you do not wander on the internet to search for a new and interesting. Pete Cashmore is likely to increase your knowledge. Site ru-on.ru you will find many interesting articles and useful programs and additions to this wonderful game. Counter-Strike (abbr. – CS; in translation from English. "Counterstrike") – a series of command of computer games in the genre of first-person shooter based on the engine GoldSource, originally appeared as a modification of the game Half-Life. Cult Multiplayer cs (Counter-Strike) has long been settled in the Internet on various servers, where each minute fighters cs 1.6 mercilessly kill each other with only one purpose to be first on the game server. What really distinguishes cs from other multiplayer'ov and teamplayer 's, so this is something that every team members are of equal opportunities.

And everyone makes a living by himself. In Counter Strike weapons, ammunition and all sorts of other things you can buy for hltv – it is possible to view the game in On-line is very large number of viewers simultaneously. To join the server hltv, you can watch the game as if you are directly on the game server. Players do not see the audience and can not interact with them.

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July 1st


Click Press
by Tam

Between the lines Sub and End Sub type operators vba, which should be included in the macro. To make the code easier to read, for each operator should indent. To do this at the beginning of the line, press the ‘Tab’. (But do not do this for strings Sub and End Sub). It is convenient that the editor saves the indentation for subsequent lines, so the need to manually indent only the first line.

Every time when you press the button to start a new line, the editor checks the input string and performs three steps: 1. Each word in a string formatted color: default vba keywords are highlighted in blue, Comments – green, red bugs, and any other text is black. 2. Keywords vba converted into the appropriate register. For example, if you enter the end sub, then after pressing ‘Enter’ editor converts this entry End Sub. 3.

Editor checks the line for syntax errors. These errors are misspelled, entered incorrectly functions, etc. Editor notifies such error. It either displays a dialog box that shows error, or simply does not translate the words in a register does not change the text color. If you enter all keywords vba only lowercase letters, it is possible to detect errors. To do this, after the transition to a new line look at the previous – whether on her key words that the editor did not recognize (ie keywords that are left in lowercase). Perform a simple example: 1. Enter the sub Privet_Mir and press ‘Enter’. 2. Press ‘Tab’ and enter the msgbox ‘Hello, world vba!’ and press ‘Enter’. From any application of Office macro can be run in several ways, but below are two ways: 1. In the module, place the cursor anywhere in the macro, and then click Run => Run Sub / UserForm (Run> Run subroutine / custom form), or press F5. 2. In Office command Tools => Macro => Macros (or press the key combination ‘ALT + F8’), a dialog box “macro”. If necessary, Use the drop-down “Macros” to select the document that contains the macro and click Run. If you run a macro that we created earlier, then you will see a dialog box which will contain the text “Hello world vba Click ok to close this window.

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November 3rd


by Tam

Run Counter-Strike. Create a game at any de_ map for Counter-Strike and go in the game for a team of terrorists. To accomplish this trick you should have a bomb, as well as any weapons except a knife (and will approach the starting weapons to terrorists – a pistol Glock 18). Make two or three shots from the weapon and press the button recharge.

During recharge need to switch to bomb (ie the process of exchange should be completed). Again, switch to the weapon and press the button recharge. Again, during the charge click on the button Q (pull out the bomb) and fast (but not both), click on the button jump. That’s it. Note. This trick is tested by me only in Counter-Strike 1.6. I can not say whether he would work with other versions of the game.

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October 31st


by Tam

After the dialogue, take the legendary motorcycle and go into place. There you have to ability to ride a motorcycle. You will need to overcome obstacles. Then, in one of the lanes, kill a couple of people and catch up with the three Baker – they too are subject to liquidation. And then, be sent to the monument to the Globe and lay at its base explosive. How to activate the bomb is this: you must first show a certain sequence of button presses = you have to memorize it and repeat. After activate the bomb, there will be a colorful screen saver Mission passed! – For free.

Mission 42: Faster Pusher Man! Sell! Sell! Need to collect the required number of drug: but very unusual way. Pulls the car to drug traffickers and "To shift" costume with drugs, from one bag to another! This can be done without leaving the car – it you will greatly facilitate the execution of the mission. After the required number of Zborov, vezite all "good" to the rear entrance of the lunchroom. Mission is free. On the map there is one label, "H-Shield" take rate, and rush there. Mission 43: Scrambled. After the dialogue, remember the place indicates the location on the map. For those of memory and using the scale be sent there.

So Makar go further Two points: everywhere we "wait" shoot the bad guys. And then catch up with car and blow it. During the mission will get nothing.

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October 27th


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