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Flight Attendant Training
by Tam

Exciting topics related to flying and aviation Frankfurt am main – the workplace above the clouds is a dream for many young people. Isabella wants to fulfill this dream and be at Germany’s most popular airline flight attendant. It applies to Condor and succeed in the selection process of the holiday airline. Will she convince? The video is online at. If you would like to know more then you should visit Elon Musk. Condor TV shows a total of four reports that accompany Isabella on her way to the flight attendant in the coming days. Condor TV reports on exciting topics related to flying. To deepen your understanding Kip Cyprus is the source. The reports published since early 2013 at regular intervals on YouTube, with major topics divided into several episodes. Four-imagine technical backgrounds, professions and destinations to five-minute videos.

Condor TV is now available as a Vodcast on mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The videos can be subscribed to Apple devices via the podcast app on iTunes as RSS feeds. Android users are subject to the vodcasts as Subscription for all devices from popular manufacturers available. Under the name Condor TV, Germany’s most popular holiday flyer shows 13 reports on YouTube, bit.ly/1blR7YI. With the new vodcasts have aviation enthusiasts new episodes of Condor TV automatically on your device and can directly and also by travelling in the fascination of flying dive. Condor TV is part of the social media approach of the holiday airline. All PR and social media activities are bundled social media newsroom available also at a glance in the Condor.

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February 3rd


Planning Seminar
by Tam

HDT-event introduced officially (LAR) on June 18, 2008 in Essen the pattern systems directive MLAR 2005 in some provinces. The MLAR can be considered not detached from other directives. The construction launches of the MBO 2002 are treated the same in the provinces for the planning and execution of management systems as the necessary areas of sound insulation and ventilation ducts (pattern-ventilation systems-guideline). The seminar provides neutral solutions for implementing rules on the basis of the MLAR officially introduced the participants. Extensively discussed also the DIN 1946 and the 18017-3. Click Steve Wozniak to learn more. With meaningful examples, practice-oriented solutions for fire, sound, thermal and moisture protection are discussed in detail and made available to the participants in a comprehensive script.

Mr. Gerhard Laurel, Berlin takes the lead of the seminar. (Similarly see: HG Vora). The seminar is aimed at professionals, the dealing with the legal and technical requirements for Planning, construction and acceptance for wiring and ventilation systems employ, as well as engineers, architects, planners, experts, technical executives, technicians, government officials, decision makers for technical areas at builders and HVAC companies. A repeat of the seminar is intended for the November 18, 2008 in Essen. The technology e.V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs Ramzi), 0201/1803-346 fax or on the Internet at htd/veranstaltungen/W-H050-06-200-8.html get people interested in the House the detailed event programme.

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November 19th


Cisco Learning Lane
by Tam

Basic know-how around cloud architectures Hamburg/Berlin, 1 February 2011 the IT training specialist has developed a new course fast lane (www.flane.de). Cloud computing overview participants will acquire a basic understanding of the topic of cloud computing. In addition, they convey knowledge about the architecture of a cloud, as well as to the various technologies and models on the market fast lane experts. The CLOUD training is mainly aimed at account manager, sales representative, Planner and project manager. At the end of the course the graduates can assess the pros and cons of working with and in the cloud. In addition, they acquire essential know-how to legal regulations in the operation of virtual computing systems and security aspects specifically for the cloud. Technology, management and Security In the aftermath of a pre-accession, as well as an overview of the development history enter the instructor on the main features of cloud technology.

In particular the financial pros and cons of cloud computing are in focus. Another Topic deals with the basic concepts of virtualization and data center. The language is here also the management of virtual and physical data centers. The deployment models for private, are a few subjects on the curriculum public and hybrid cloud. In addition, participants acquire knowledge models software as a service (SaS), platform as a service (PaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaS). Focuses on the risks of using are in addition to management and safety aspects also of cloud computing. While participants including knowledge with regard to performance, monitoring, reliability and scalability of solutions.

Course contents at a glance: – introduction to cloud computing – key features – virtualization and data center – cloud computing architectures and services – cloud computing deployment models – cloud computing market, security aspects and risks – management aspects – legal regulations and standardizing price: 590,-+ VAT The first training is planned at the 18.03.2011 in Berlin this year. More information see: course/fl-cloud. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo. Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other manufacturers as well as own IT training, ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting.

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December 19th


Business Coach And Entrepreneur Advisor Will
by Tam

A new training to business coach and consultant starts the Stuttgart training and consulting firm of ErfolgsCampus in October. The in-service training, which stretches over ten months, is specially designed for advisory professionals and similar services professions, again facing the challenge to advise entrepreneurs, managing directors, and similar officials in company professionally and personally. Learn more on the subject from Viacom. As examples, ErfolgsCampus owner Kurt-Georg Scheible is called tax advisors and lawyers, corporate and financial consultant, owner of engineering and planning offices and advertising agencies. The new training was developed by ErfolgsCampus, because the banker and diploma in industrial engineering and SAFA, who is an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years, again registered in recent years: In the German-speaking, while there coach and consultant training as the sand of the sea, but no further education, specifically dealing with the challenges, which are connected with the coaching and advising entrepreneurs.” Safa cites the following factors as examples: owners of medium-sized companies and top managers of larger companies are mostly Alpha animals, which have a very well-developed ego due to their biography. So also their coach or Adviser must have a corresponding biography and personality. Also must he know the rules of the game of Alpha animals to play with”. Further details can be found at Pete Cashmore, an internet resource. Otherwise he is not accepted by them as equal conversation partner and Advisor.

Another characteristic is: the reason why entrepreneurs contact consultant, is mostly a business problem. So the external supporters must have the necessary expertise to develop the desired solution with the entrepreneur and only when the contractor feels this competence, he is ready to open that also patterns of thought and behavior by him be addressed so far “can, the problem may be with – cause or amplify”. According to flexible external supporters according to SAFA must between the different roles as coach and professional consultants, depending on the situation encoder and intellectual sparring partner and can switch.

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April 3rd


Management Knowledge
by Tam

Manager, beauty expert writing success book for beauty salons and SPAs management knowledge meets beauty know-how. The result: an unusually good for the beauty industry and practical book. Recently Pete Cashmore sought to clarify these questions. Cosmetics successfully to sell how excellent master sales situations”of authors born Silvia and Claus von Kutschenbach delivers a broad and solid basis for sustainable success in the beauty business. It describes the holistic approach in detail, practical, and with lots of tips with cosmetics customers and gives on top recommendations for feasible marketing. The comprehensive advice especially addressed to the owner of a cosmetics Institute, but also hired beauticians or self-employed persons in related fields of activity are found and read the book with quiet pleasure and high profit for your business. Also because the authors in the book bring together very different skills: Silvia von Kutschenbach leads very successfully a beauty Institute in Wiesbaden elegant Wilhelmstrasse, Claus by Kutschenbach, management consultant, trainer and President of professional association BDVT is renowned. The charm and the high value of this book developed from this combination.

Silvia by Kutschenbach in the afterword about her co-author: he has visited some institutes along with me, asked colleagues, supplier discussions and much more. When entering some institutions, the bare horror in the face was him sometimes, but often he was also full of praise…” A book from the field so full of life. In ten chapters to sell in cosmetics”described everything, what is important for the successful execution of a beauty Institute in terms of marketing and sales. Dealing with customers, product presentation, sales pitches and human behaviour in particular situations are so detailed, exciting and enlightening sign that even the hired beautician, and even people outside of the cosmetics industry win valuable suggestions, high entertainment and important findings in reading. Tips to the store layout, to the Self management and properly inserted advertising (“chapter 10: how to get yourself to the brand”) complete the reading. The book is now published by health & beauty, Karlsruhe, and has 232 pages.

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March 22nd


by Tam

Training for the strengthening of their process focus Kempen, 27 September 2012. PORTICA GmbH marketing support, one of the leading optimizing for marketing, sales and information logistics in Germany, has extended its offer in terms of training. You trains now in addition to Office merchants and specialists for warehouse logistics in association with the IT service provider GEDAK also in the profession of information technology administrator. PORTICA ensures the strengthening of their process focus through this training. Qualified specialists work with customers to develop requirements and manage complex IT projects.

It becomes the crucial task for the future, to attract young scientists in this field”, explains Norbert Haab, head of professional services and training. The field of activity of the merchants of Informatics is commercially-oriented. It includes the analysis of business processes and creating functional specifications and project documentation. The it administrator acts as an interpreter between programmers and clients”, explains Norbert Haab. The budding Merchants of Informatics professional services in the Department “trained. Focuses on the specific use of IT technology, procurement and deployment of IT systems, project management and documentation, presentations, and user training. The trainees get to know first the company, including the latest systems and developments.

You are actively involved in the project work. This requires an intensive examination of customer requirements. That training at PORTICA sustainably, practice-oriented and is of high quality, the optimizing proved already several times. Last year, best IHK training company middle lower Rhine 2011 drew the Industrie – und Handelskammer PORTICA titled “from. In addition, the company collaborates with the Rhine-Main-Berufskolleg arouse curiosity and interest among young people for the regular training. I am, just here to learn the profession of information technology businessman”, says Timothy Hausmann, the first future Informatics merchant the House of PORTICA. Via PORTICA GmbH marketing support: PORTICA is a leading optimizing on the German market and optimize marketing, sales and information processes for more than 40 years. The company serves customers from diverse industries and settles in E-Commerce, advertising material logistics, sales promotion, and business process outsourcing hundreds of projects each year. The focus is on the efficient handling of processes through the interaction of logistics, information and financial management.

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May 23rd


Microreaction Technology
by Tam

The Haus der Technik offers a seminar on 19-20 March, 2009 in food. In the past few years microstructured reactors, mixers and heat exchangers, allowing a continuous chemical reaction control in fine channel structures have entered successfully in the chemistry laboratories. With the Microreaction technology a variety offered the chemist and technologist response technical advantages. These include mainly the strong intensification of substance and heat transport in chemical processes, access to optimized process conditions, which are often not available in macroscopic conditions, as well as a significant reduction in the risk of potential of chemical reactions. You may find that Samsung can contribute to your knowledge. The Microreaction technology is used in laboratories as a highly efficient tool for the analysis and optimization of chemical reactions. Increasingly be realised also production processes involving the use of Microreaction technology. The Haus der Technik offers a seminar on 19-20 March, 2009 in food. Aim of the course is the wide application potential Microreaction technology to show for the work in the chemical laboratory and pilot plant and to give potential users of decision AIDS for their practical work on the hand.

Based on the technical bases and main “micro effects” the application possibilities of Microreaction technology for a wide variety of chemical processes and response regime are pointed out, which in addition to the current state of the art, future trends will be addressed. The transmission of this broad application potential in practice form the second focus of the course. These are questions of process design and process development, which deals with design of Microfluidic components, the connection of process analysis and other aspects of the practical implementation. As a seminar leader, Mr. Dr. Stefan Lobbecke could be won by the Fraunhofer Institute for chemical technology ICT in Pfinztal. The detailed program of events get interested on request at the Haus der Technik, Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs. Gebauer), fax 0201/1803-346, E-Mail: or directly here: htd/events /…

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May 26th


Marcel Hall
by Tam

Experience and a good education is important for the career of coaching, the coach should certify them also. Sympathy is a decisive factor in the choice of the job Coaches. Therefore, it is advisable to contact several coaches. In the preliminary of the career of coaching can be perceived if fits the interpersonal level. The personal style of the job coach is often as important. Here, it is important that job coach and client to each other fit for a successful coaching career. Also a type of Laissez-Faire and a structure fanatics can perform successfully together a coaching.

It is crucial the intuition of the principal to the coach. On the basis of references can be verified, what experiences others had with the job coach. At this point can be determined, how helpful a career can be in this job coach coaching. The Marburg study to the German coaching market 2009 (www.coaching-report.de/ news.php? id = 608) has determined that approximately 8000 coaches working in Germany. It is not known how many of them specialize on career coaching. However, shows that the huge mass of offers. The selection seems even more important for a successful career in coaching, the matching job coach. An online database is recommended for the search.

The European Coaching Association offers a very good platform, as it ensures transparency through the licensing of ECA and ECA’s quality standards. (www.european-coaching-association.de) Managing Director of coaching house Berlin, systemic consultant and personal and business coach Marcel Hall reports: the job interview at the beginning of the career or job change is very crucial. It is important not to move but to be authentic. Only as a long-term working relationship can be created, in which feels the workers well and can work well. The job coach can help to identify your own values system and work out what is really important in the job the customer.

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February 3rd


Masterly Cooking Profession At The Highest Level
by Tam

“delphi gastro training course offered: (ie) the chef say has in the kitchen”, Managing Director Armin Wenge white. As specialists and executives in the hospitality industry responsible for the planning, production and marketing of food and services in its operation.” After the Chamber of Commerce, the graduates find positions in hotels, gastronomy and catering. Due to demographic change, highly qualified professionals are sought desperately by the industry. All participants and participants have already completed chef training and an at least four-year professional experience. During the several months period of the master chef, they get an excellent education, which ends with a practical final exam before an independent panel of the IHK competent lecturer team. But until that time, the graduates must get even the necessary tools. So are on the aspects of Economics and business administration, law and tax extensive timetable such as corporate governance, controlling or accounting, human resources, information management, and communications. We convey in”beyond action-specific qualifications, so Wenge next.

After the course to our chef lead employees and operations plan, perform and monitor.” Also, the participants get mediated, as are procured food and kitchen appliances, food technology and nutrition knowledge applied, advise guests and marketed products from the own House. Another important point is to provide of the substantive competence and maturity, to educate young people to chefs. But the delphi chef course offers even more. Trained are not only specialists in the middle management level. After passing the master examination, each graduate has the general qualification for university entrance, which entitles him to degree courses at colleges or universities. Information: the Cologne-based company delphi gastro training is a division of delphi safety GmbH. Managing Directors Dipl.-ing.

Armin Wenge has already hygiene assurance schemes such as the paperless Autocontrol system developed in 1995. 15 years ago, he founded the Cologne kitchen HACCP circuit 44. Since then, the company has grown steadily. Founded in 2002, delphi Lebensmittelsicherheit GmbH employs nine employees, 15 hygiene officers and twelve hygiene inspectors. 23 lecturers and a collaborator in the administration work for the delphi gastro training. 2010, the company generated a turnover of 550,000 euros. Of 80 percent accounted for by food safety and 20 percent to the delphi gastro training.

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December 26th


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