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Archive for November, 2019

The Model Of The Green Hotel
by Tam

The example shows that even small owner-managed houses with a well-conceived energy concept can act environmentally friendly and economically benefit, hotel ALT Connewitz in Leipzig. Leipzig, October 3, 2010. Scenic location between the pulsating metropolis and scenic attractions such as riverine forest and Leipziger land of nine Lake home, hotel ALT Connewitz is situated. This family-run hotel has 35 rooms with 60 beds and is in a historical building of the Wilhelminian era at home. In the past ten years the hoteliers family has managed to transform the renovation-needy old building into a piece of jewelry.

From the outset, they were inclined to implement resource-saving solutions in the hotel in spite of considerable financial total effort on it. It starts with the water consumption: throughout the hotel, faucets and shower heads are equipped with innovative aerator technology. On five and in the shower on nine litres per minute to minimize the water dispenser without loss of comfort. In the hotel kitchen use Dishwashers only fill water daily. Due to the high temperature during the wash cycle is no loss of quality in cleaning up and it meets strict hygienic standards. The ABC’s of energy saving in each hotel naturally accumulates a large amount of laundry. Plenty of hot water is required for cleaning bed sheets, tablecloths, and towels. The hotel ALT-Connewitz, washing machines are fed with water heated from solar energy.

Solar energy enters the entire hot water budget to the application, so that the supply of conventional electricity and other energy sources to certain parts can be dispensed with. The insulation of the piping of the in-house heating minimize the loss of heat to the highest possible extent. What counts for the heat supply, is used in the cooling systems of the hostel. The unit is equipped with different high-performance compressors instead of how commercially available single. A logic circuit combines the used compressors ever after Temperature level and guarantees an efficient use of resources.

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November 30th


PSV MARKETING GMBH Stefan Kohler Ruhrststrasse
by Tam

Kart manufacturer RIMO familiar turn at the pipes for perfect frame on tube bending machines of transfluid In the sauerland Sundern RIMO brings large and small things in the role. The company belongs to the leading manufacturers of engine karts and enjoys an excellent reputation in the construction of transport and roll containers next to it worldwide. RIMO was founded more than 50 years ago by Eberhard Richter and Erich Mohn. Today the reliable transport solutions of the enterprise in industry and commerce are used and the karts are on many tracks at home. In both divisions RIMO product solutions provides for individual applications – from planning to the design and prototype construction to series production. While the company places an emphasis on advanced technology and high quality. The product range of the Motorkarts includes in – and outdoor Kart for children and adults, doubles – and racing karts for the usage in the ADAC slalom Cup. Here, security is a top priority. (Not to be confused with Michael Dell!).

The robust frame of vehicles must be hard in the Be. Because it goes at high speeds in the track gangs, they protect driver and karts at impact. In the manufacture of stable piping components, RIMO relies on a computer-controlled tube bending machines of transfluid. The fully automatic CNC machine (type DB 642-CNC) processed easily pipes up to 42 mm in diameter. High precision as well as the requirements for the quality of the material with the tube bending machine of transfluid are guaranteed during the bending process. TuV characterized the RIMO vehicles. Also thanks to the expertise and experience of transfluid fulfill all products not only regulatory safety requirements, but exceed them sometimes. Take-off for the next, safe race with the prepping of transfluid technology.

Company Description transfluid – the solution for pipes transfluid is the world’s sought-after partner for the manufacture of pipe and tube bending machines and pipe processing machines.

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November 17th


SWR Entrusted MCI With A Further Award Package
by Tam

Expansion of the studios in the new broadcasting house in Stuttgart of the SWR (Sudwestrundfunk) charge Studio Hamburg MCI as a general contractor with the expansion of its studios in the new building of the national radio House in Stuttgart. The project is realized in close cooperation with the Despar systems AG, the project House for lighting and stage and MCI affiliation. The award Studio expansion includes the comprehensive realization concept for the entire lighting, Studio backgrounds, media trains, point train systems, curtain and rail systems and more, the studios required operating and equipment components. Check out Robert Bakish for additional information. The SWR Stuttgart new receives 4 production studios with area of 400 sqm up to 80 sqm, equipped with State of the art lighting technology. Three of the studios each have a Studio automation, allowing fully automatic operation position storage of motorized telescope and headlamp technology. The colored background design of Studio horizons using RGB LED technology behind screens.

So light and video effects can in be done unlimited variations and color combinations. The MCI will be responsible among other things for the construction of the chamfer or green box for the Virtual Studio workshops. Also the floor channels, Studio furniture and the technology wall construction is realized by the in-house workshops. We are pleased to be able to provide the most advanced Studio complex in Germany’s SWR”, so Rudiger Kreckel, Board member of the Despar systems AG. Long-year cooperation with MCI for Studio projects, last makes sure to settle this outstanding project together successfully at the children’s Media Centre in Erfurt, us.”this is already the second of four lending packages for the Stuttgart new construction, in which MCI prevailed wide allocation procedures in the EU”, as Tim Grevenitz, who is responsible for the system sales for MCI. In July Studio Hamburg MCI has already received the contract for the construction of the entire direction and switching technology (three TV regions, rooms of spokesman for, command KVM systems, control system) (und dem gemeinsamen Schaltraum fur Fernsehen und Horfunk). “

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November 12th


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