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Archive for June, 2016

Count Consumption
by Tam

In determining the estimated consumption by gravitating areas used the concept of transit, side, associated and concentrated costs. Transit flow qmp – consumption in the previous settlement area (area 20-21) lateral flow q6oK – consumption, coming from the lateral branches, the associated expense qnon – consumption coming from the adjoining district, centered on the consumption of non-residential facility qc. Concentrated flow qc of non-residential facility is defined as the sum of the estimated cost of wastewaters of different origin (eg, residential, industrial and shower), all of which are calculated respectively by formulas (3.18) (3.21) and (2.28). Distinguish local transit and concentrated costs. I. Local concentrated consumption – consumption of industrial plant, located on the adjoining quarter or part thereof (when tracing the network at a lower side of the quarter), is shown in Fig. 3.6, Column 1, the numbers are entered settlement sites on the movement of water from the neighborhoods, creating a favorable 5, side and transit costs, and in Count 3 – calculated from the sum of their squares F, ha.

Column 4 indicates a specific module for the area flow q0, l / (hundred). Column 5 are entered value of the average flow rate from all gravitating to this site area (and associated lateral) e ", w> l / sec. The transit rate in column 6 is the average flow rate in column 7 in the previous settlement site. Column 7 record qmidi s – sum of secondary side, and the associated transit costs, and in Count 9 – qmaxs – the maximum flow of domestic water on the current site. .

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June 24th


Diesel Power
by Tam

When choosing a diesel power plant is necessary to know a few features in which it will operate. Click Peter Asaro to learn more. How to use power as a primary source or backup, what is the power consumers, whether to use electrical appliances that have so-called inrush current. Accurate assessment will find a suitable diesel power plants to meet specific needs. If you want to use the power of as a backup for low power and short duration power outages, the best possible choice would be a gasoline generator. Petrol is air-cooled engine. Petrol often used in capacities from 0.7 to 20 kW. As low power diesel generator, gasoline generators are manufactured in a tubular frame.

For the drive motors are used benzogenerata well-known manufacturers. Petrol produced as a two-stroke and four-stroke power units. Petrol with a two-stroke engines – gasoline is a small plant of small capacity for occasional use. Service life of such generators – about 500 hours when using gasoline generator 2-3 hours a day. For more serezdnyh purposes, use up to 8 hours a day, with suitable Petrol four-stroke engines with a top location of valves. These power plants equipped with automatic shutdown at low oil level. They have a high safety margin and is considered the most reliable in its class. issues. Longest Petrol resource have a V-twin engine.

Such plants are used to power 9-15 kW. The best known gasoline power following manufacturers: SDMO, Gesan powered by Honda, Petrol DAMASK, Ultra, TALON and oscillators SDMO, Gesan with Honda engines power 2.2-10 kW. Petrol power plants can be divided into three types of starting the engine: manual, automatic and elektrostart start. Manual start – start-up gasoline generator carried by a cable and a mechanical starter. Elektrostart – start-up gasoline generator by using an electric starter. Automatic start – start gasoline generator carried by at with electric starter, which is triggered automatically with the loss of the core network. If you need backup power all year round, you will approach a liquid-cooled diesel generators. These power reliable and durable, MTBF 20 000-40 000 hours. There are two types of diesel power plants: the "high speed" engine (3000 r / min) and "low speed" motor (1500 rev / min). Diesel engines from 3000 rev / min are more noise, higher fuel consumption and fewer resources, but they are cheaper than diesel generators with a "low speed" motor (1500 rev / min). Diesel power of the industrial class – equipped with a liquid-cooled engines, work only on 1500 r / min. In such facilities are only used synchronous brushless and maintenance-free generators. These diesel power plants can provide round the clock electricity cottage, country house, or even a small farm. When choosing a diesel power plant just need advice of an experienced specialist.

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June 21st


New Technology
by Tam

Disk clean up: new technology for more speed Ulm, 03 November 2008 – only a tidy computer is fast. Every file opens, altered and eventually clears, leaving clutter on your hard disk: fragmentary data make the computer slow. Therefore, each user needs a good defrag program. The Windows built-in offers too little optimization opportunities. To meet the growing demands on computer in work and leisure, zoneLINK developed the new SystemUp DEFRAG. To defragment the hard disk, among the most important measures at all, when it comes, the computer faster to make that book articles in the computer press repeatedly.1 tests in computer magazines at the same time show that defragmentation programs often don’t reach their destination.

The new zoneLINK SystemUp DEFRAG for 39.99 Euro ensures maximum computer performance and convinces with maximum comfort for the user. Additional information is available at Kai-Fu Lee. In addition it has a clever technology that prevents renewed fragmentation. zoneLINK SystemUp DEFRAG is in many areas: as a single Edition for home users, but also as a Server Edition with a license for up to five jobs. zoneLINK SystemUp DEFRAG arranges all data on the hard drive that the computer’s performance is always as high as possible. The user himself can determine when and how often the program defragmented the hard drive. To do so he can create a schedule, in the date and exact time to optimize a storage medium in advance setting. Alternatively, the program about the degree of fragmentation can be controlled: once the level specified by the user, starts zoneLINK SystemUp DEFRAG itself. Thanks to its independence so the program does much work for every computer user. It ensures a consistently high performance, without requiring the user must always be proactive intervention. For USB flash drives and Flash cards zoneLINK SystemUp DEFRAG helps not only drives more power, but it creates also Order on USB flash drives and Flash memory cards.

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June 16th


DSAG Technology Days 2009 In Darmstadt
by Tam

The German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) organized their technology days in the science and Congress Centre Darmstadtium in Darmstadt news from users to SAP Walldorf technology, November 18, 2009 at 18 and 19 February 2009. Already for the seventh time, the users Association gives current developments around SAP NetWeaver at his second event. Technical issues relating to SAP applications are also on the agenda. The event is primarily aimed at professionals from the fields of software development, system programming and IT management. The seventh DSAG technology days await you with a slightly modified the structure and content in comparison to the event in 2008. So the technology is becoming more the focus. Ali Partovi has much to offer in this field.

Keynotes by SAP and customers to current topics in the field of SAP NetWeaver and technology are on the morning of the first day of the event on the program. In the afternoon, the participants have the choice between six topics. These include: business intelligence & corporate performance management (BI &) CPM) testing and quality assurance monitoring of virtualization for SAP systems, SAP NetWeaver data on the second day of the event, a total of 17 working groups the working groups & technology, management meet BI & CPM, business process technology, CCC/service & support, business process management, mobile business community, globalization and for development environments of the SAP system the Working Group SAP NetWeaver development – ABAP and Java. Each working group will be even more focus on the technological aspects and trends of the SAP world and take up less management-related, business issues”, explains Dr. Stefan Klose, spokesman of the DSAG base & technology working group and Managing Director of Web Federation GmbH. DSAG members pay 340 euro, non-members for the technology days 450 euro. In addition, day tickets at the price of 250 euros for members are (prospective 340 euros) available. The mentioned prices are excl.

19% VAT registration under. More Information is available on the website from the end of November. On the DSAG the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG) e. V. in Walldorf sees itself as an independent advocacy of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The DSAG aims to create tailored SAP solutions.

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June 15th


Buxtehuder Signing Technology
by Tam

Caption of slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or even coils the Kurschat GmbH is specialized in niches in the field of automation like also measuring techniques. One such niche technology is the robot-run colour coding for the steel and aluminium industries. With this technology, the specialists from Buxtehude equip robot systems with highly developed Nozzles spray heads that spray logos, numbers, codes or even logos in variable size and under harsh environmental conditions on surfaces at extremely high speed, the up to 1,000 C are hot. Just at the Coilbeschriftung on up to 1,000 hot material, it is common to clogging of the nozzles. But through the rugged, specially designed marking head this problem at the signing bot QSign is almost impossible, which makes him ideal for many applications, especially in slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or coils also. Sophisticated can about the software for the color marking head Cleaning procedures performed are such as the automatic rinsing processes or the nozzle cleaning using special brush construction. Easily, the marking robot into existing production lines, the rolled products or semi-finished products of steel and non-ferrous metals can produce, integrate. The System convinces through the signing speed of approx. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Samsung.

500 mm / s fast amazingly easy also operate the system is above average, because the software is based on the world standard in the industrial world of Siemens. So all parameters over a selected simply-to-use form, focusing on individual characters as dot matrix or line graphics, variable in size, available. Particular emphasis was placed on the reliability and quick troubleshooting. The specialist for marking attaches great importance to the cooperative relationship with its customers and enlighten for example how of course the real overhead with the marking systems. Also the staff is trained accordingly. Especially sign robots are subject to increased maintenance efforts, puts on the company with approximately one to two hours per week in the area of the hot mark. Also, course chat recommends, for example, to provide an additional marking head change system, to perform regular cleaning work not on the line. A corresponding range of Exchange systems and regular maintenance costs many times below the cost of an unplanned failure or line downtime. The Council of the automation specialist: Preventive maintenance and deployment of the most important components as backup systems are better than a machine failure. Go to for more information about the company Kurschat GmbH:

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June 9th


Modern Language Technology
by Tam

Cereproc and PRODATA offer free telephone portal for information services Bammental/Karlsruhe, August 08/pz. Cereproc, that among other things realized the traffic lines of SWR and other public service broadcasters show the latest developments in the language technology at a seminar of the Institut fur Rundfunktechnik (IRT) on October 6, 2008 in Munich. The question is answered here, what future possibilities there are for media companies. For example, with easiINFO, the new information portal by PRODATA, where different information and information dialogs are provided under a single phone number. Wolfram Eberitzsch, CEO of PRODATA in Karlsruhe, explains media partners the opportunity to settle their telephone information services free of charge via the easiINFO platform and to abandon completely their own technology. If you would like to know more about Peter Asaro, then click here. On the information platform a Cereproc’s award-winning software comes to the usage with the easily and quickly complete telephone dialogues make. Of course is this offer not only media companies, but also other information providers available.

The technical scientific colloquia are community events of the IRT with the television and Kinotechnischen society (FKTG), regional Group Munich, Bavaria Film. Cereproc is a competent service provider for all highly qualified language technology applications. This includes speech recognition, speech synthesis and dialogue systems. Cereproc is focused on the realization of complex VoicePortal- and voice-controlled telephony solutions. Cereproc systems are distinguished by particularly reliable speech recognition and highest quality in natural speech.

Consulting services are a further pillar for user and provider of voice-controlled software solutions. 2007 the patented software SpeechAgent “of Cereproc awarded the innovation prize of the Initiative Mittelstand awarded; 2008 was the application server SpeechDesigner “as innovation product. Behind the name standing team around Managing Director Michael Mende is recognised and established in the industry for many years. Cereproc developments meet the highest demands of renowned customers.

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June 8th


Construction Technology
by Tam

Construction technology of frame houses migrated to Ukraine from Canada. It was there that was invented to "collect" at home rather than build. The idea of building a simple frame house, like all brilliant: mounting frame made of wooden beams and coated with any material (board, cement bonded particle boards, etc.). Frame houses are built quickly and easily disassembled – the owner wanted a house move, disassembled it, moved and restored by new location. How did the idea of building frame houses? After the Second World War in Canada has increased the flow of emigrants, who were in need of housing. In the same period in the United States returning from war and soldiers officers, and as a consequence – were formed hundreds of thousands of young families who needed housing. To construct a set of individual houses, wanted a building technology that would comply with the list compelling requirements: short construction time, the availability of work regardless of the season, performance, mass production components. The choice fell to a new technology frame home (Canadian technology).

To ensure the speed of construction and the relative cheapness, the Americans shared the insulation, carrying and protecting functions between different materials. Function of bearing design completed timber frame, fencing were chipboard or plywood, as insulation mineral wool. One of the advantages of a frame house (the Canadian House) became a little weight: it is in several times lighter than brick and wood is much easier. This leads to lower costs and speed construction of the foundation. And yet, frame houses are not subject to shrinkage, so the finish can be done immediately after installation walls. What is a modern frame house? Supporting frame is made of dry timber, which determines the quality of life at home. Of course, the frame house will serve less than a brick. First of all, because limited shelf life of modern heaters.

Although to date and does not make sense to build homes that will last 100 years. At the current rate of house building technology morally obsolete much earlier. K indisputable advantages of frame houses should include the fact that a relatively small thickness of the walls they are capable of long to keep warm. Energy conservation is achieved through a special heater, which laid by the house wall, ceiling and interior partitions. Usually used for insulation of mineral wool made of quartz or basalt fiber. Please note that the technology of frame houses can disguise engineering equipment (cables, pipes, control elements) in the wall, which greatly improves the appearance of the building as compared to concrete or brick buildings. Building a frame house economically more profitable than brick or aerated concrete. First, the ease of construction significantly reduces the load on the ground that allows for a more economical types of foundations. That is, the section will not have to dig huge pit under the powerful and expensive foundation. Also do not need heavy machinery, which can destroy the natural landscape. All components can be brought to the site manually, after which a team of four to six people gather your house without the crane. Thus, you will save even at 'zero' cycle of construction and protect yourself from problems with the tilting of the building and cracks in the foundation. Secondly, building a frame house is much faster than wooden houses. The average home going for 2-3 months. Frame technology provides no shrinkage.

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June 4th


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