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Moscow Private
by Tam

Of course, only parents can decide whether their child to attend kindergarten. Often near the subject wakes up a lot of controversy. Some believe that the only child at home just to be s top, and these parents enough time for joint activities. Arup Sandra Akmansoy shines more light on the discussion. Someone, however, believes that kindergarten – an integral part of childhood, thanks to which the child will be better prepared for school, but for someone turns out to be ideal Group short-term stays, which represents private kindergarten. In order to make the right decision, you need to know what are the chances now, for the development of children, because from the time when mothers were present children, took many years and significant. Now there are many opportunities for the development of young children: the section, development centers, training courses, but the main niche occupied by private nurseries, which offer integrated development of children to be good.

Private kindergarten distinguished from other pre-schools, recommending significant advantages. Private kindergarten recommends a multifaceted education program in which includes the general developmental lessons for children in several ways. Usually offered the necessary items to prepare for school, and optional for the development of the creative potential of children. Private kindergartens well equipped and furnished, from the premises and furniture to toys that are used in training. In private kindergarten are invited to work only highly skilled and highly qualified teachers and teachers who use a special approach to all children, allowing to quickly resolve obstacles and find hidden talents and inclinations. In private kindergarten are numerically small group that certainly more comfortable for a preschooler, he will not be ignored and it is easy to meet in the classroom in a comfortable chamber atmosphere. Parents can pick up routine visit to her baby: a group of short-term stay, full board and daily group, offered a quality sports nutrition and exercise, to support the physical health of the baby. Modern private nursery school in Moscow – a bright classrooms, developing classes, good quality toys, the best teachers and tutors, comfort and calm the child and parents. Choosing a private kindergarten in Moscow, one must take into account the many nuances, from the location to a profile, but the most important thing is not forget that this is the first educational institution in which the development is the foundation for further education of the child, because of this, the topic must be dealt with seriously.

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May 6th


Overcoming The Matrix
by Tam

If your name is Neo, and you can see through the matrix or are you a student Zealand or other similar authors, and can take the answers and solutions to problems of space options, the more you can not read. If you are unfamiliar with need to solve the problem using matrices and are confident that never encounter, then this article is also not for you. But if you are enrolled in high school and you have a course of higher mathematics, we face a decision problems where you must use the calculation with matrices, you somehow have to. This problem affects some already in school. At first glance it might seem that the operations on matrices are simple and easy solved, but when the dimension of the matrix than three by three, then the problems begin.

But the main problem is that it's boring and tedious process. For example, we need to check the consistency of a system of four linear equations by the theorem of Kronecker-Capelli, what we need to compute the rank of major and rank of the augmented matrix. To calculate the rank of four by four should do fifteen operations, and since these operations, there is division, we have to deal with fractions. But we need to calculate and rank of the augmented matrix, then multiply by fifteen to thirty two and get operations. It is necessary to note that the equations can be more. And in so many calculations to make an annoying bug is fairly simple.

Can take another example, consider the determinant of five on five, which means to reduce the matrix to triangular form, and multiply the main diagonal elements, it should not be forgotten that the determinant sign under permutation of rows is reversed. Total thirty-five operations without considering the permutation of rows and change the sign. Actually it's not even much in comparison to finding the inverse matrix by cofactors. That's where the real horror begins. Thus, we consider finding the inverse matrix of dimension four by four through the algebraic additions. The first thing we find the determinant of a matrix that would ensure that the inverse matrix exists. This fifteen operations. Ali Partovi may find it difficult to be quoted properly. After that, we find sixteen to nine cofactors operations and obtain one hundred and forty four operations and the total amount of one hundred fifty-nine operations! Now imagine that you make a mistake, how long it takes, that would find her, and nerves of steel there are necessities. What is there to say, even such simple operations such as transposition, addition, subtraction, multiplication of the number can spoil your mood. But this is not the whole list of operations, the matrix can still be multiplied by each other, to build a power, etc. But all not so bad, the Internet has resources that make all the calculations are online, as a result of you not only get answers to all the required operations, but also a detailed step by step solution, which is very convenient. You only need to enter the original data. Even if you want to learn themselves do all operations with matrices, it never hurts to double check your decision.

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December 21st


Computer Modding
by Tam

'Computer modding' or 'How to make your computer a unique' This course will help you to make your computer unikalnym.Slovo tuning is used in cars, in fact is what you learn from this course "How to make your computer unique '. What is it' Computer modding '? Computer modding – it's like auto Tyunin. That is, the installation of new, deleting superfluous, lights, touch-up and other things that will allow your computer to be unique. Computer modding – is an art, hobby, hobbies, and if you desire, then biznes.Naprimer? Window cutting inside the system case. Installation of LEDs in the cd-rom, floppy. Adding decorative coolers. Installation ignition. Restoration of the old mouse.

The backlighting. And much more … Why? To stand out from the gray mass of computer users. To amaze your friends and colleagues. To make himself pleasant. To earn a etom.Kak? Easy.

Up to the task and the child. The methodology is painted all in great detail. Even if you've never held a soldering iron in hand, do not know what a drill or an LED – this is not a problem. Fast. For one or two a week can make the standard, does not perceptible, the computer work of art. Cheap. Material costs for modding is quite modest. At such a pleasure can expect almost any budget. Profitably. And who says you can not do this business? What do you need? Modding your computer so you will need these things: Management, you may have to buy. Some products electronics store. Tools (drill, wire cutters, pliers). Willingness and desire. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robotics expert and gain more knowledge.. Not very ruki.Chto curves obtained? See what you get: Order of the course 'How to make your computer a unique modding your computer' may be on the next URL:

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October 11th


by Tam

Thus, when the perception of the organization as a purposeful activity, ie surveillance is necessary to proceed from the fact that most bandwidth has a visual analyzer. However, the training capacity of controls is not the analyzer, and the brain, therefore, as found in experiments and confirmed by experience, by one information subject to assimilation, it is necessary to give two units of explanation, ie additional information. This means that each key concept to explain, using all three channels of perception: talk, show and give touch. Unfortunately, such information transfer is carried out systematically (I want to repeat regularly, but not from case to case) only in primary school, hence the high percentage of mastering the material, and strong stable of knowledge. What would be more understandable, give you an example: a child in first grade student add numbers, while the teacher uses: an oral explanation (auditory canal) with a mandatory screening on the board with cards, magnets, posters, etc. (Visual channel).

And simultaneously with the child at the box office figures (kinesthetic channel). The teacher comes to the next lesson and does the same, while repeating, complicating and making a variety of the same material, but the essence remains the same, working all three channels of perception. Now, let's assign the work a teacher in middle and senior management, whether they perform similar actions? And do not say that the children have matured, therefore need other methods. The most striking evidence of no effectiveness of these methods is not only a difference in the estimates of primary and secondary level, and no explicit knowledge of strategic themes people of our country. For example, action with fractions (held 5-6 grades), an oral account, etc. I think the evidence is not needed. Yes, very often lately saying that the reason is to know there is a calculator or something else.

How many people, so many opinions. Some contend that Robotics expert shows great expertise in this. Let every man for himself determine whether you need a man and his children the basic knowledge. And if you do not need, then what distinguishes us from animals? References: 1.Slastenin va etc. Education: A Textbook. allowance for students. Higher. Ped. Textbook. Institutions / B A. Slastenin, if Isaev, en Shiyanov; Ed. va Slastenin. – Moscow: Publishing House 'Academy', 2002. 2. Shlahter vv, sy The art of domination. Learn more at this site: Ali Partovi. – Spb.: "Respeks", "Diehl, 2003. 3. Zazykin vg Psychology in advertising. – M.: DatStrom, 1992.

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October 18th


Theoretical Referencial
by Tam

(It is seen, in annex 1, relation of Sites suggested in classroom). Made this, it was argued collectively, in classroom, a script of the project, with its main topics (Identification; Introduction; Objectives; Justification; Theoretical Referencial; Metodolgicos procedures; Cronograma; Consideraes Final and References). In the end of the period of learning semester, each group will have to deliver to the typed material in accordance with the norms of the ABNT and also to make a presentation of the research, with interactive resources and multimedia. In elapsing of the lessons of the semester, always in the end of each lesson some minutes for exchanges of information, clarification of doubts and steps are private. One gives credit that with use of this strategy the pupils can exercise the exploration of the resources offered for the Internet and discover that many possibilities exist to be explored and worked with the children in alfabetizao classroom. Moreover, future pedagogas/teachers will be able, also, to improve the research of the theoretical referencial that supports practical the pedagogical one. Thus, a new possibility of construction of new didactic materials is created, with the aid of the digital resources, facilitating the alfabetizao of children, who since early interact with new medias, in natural way.

One of the lessons was carried through in the laboratory of Computer science, where the groups had developed an daily pay-activity, exploring some possibilities in the site. All had been magic with the available resources, such as videos, varied games, assembly of tirinhas and others. To motivate the participation of the pupils better, nothing of what provoking them with challenges and questionings that they demand, for its solution, research online, in colaborativo way, giving possibility of that they demonstrate its abilities in the use of available technological resources. The paper of the professor, as mediating, is of basic importance, therefore it represents the interlocutor in this colaborativa dimension of learning anchored for the interatividade.

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April 16th


Technologies in Education
by Tam

In these last years they had increased the use of computers in the pertaining to school environment, but given divulged in the new magazine school sample that 75% of the Brazilian schools not yet have, or does not make the use of computers. This number if of the one for questions politics, for the resistance of the professors and the quarrel that if has around this; the technology is a problem or a solution for the education? With the use of this machine of the future, the human beings in general are more sluggish, because it gets used to catch everything soon, the concepts already are all defining and we do not criticize or we reflect on the subject. We behave as robots leaving the media to take account of our lives, influencing in the way to act, to dress, to eat and to think. Thus, the people lose its proper identity, its creativity and its critical thought, being empty on the inside and losing the true one felt of the life. Without counting that children and adolescents alone want to communicate through messages, being shortened the writings and having the reduction of the capacity linguistics and argumentativa. If you would like to know more then you should visit Peter Asaro. Another curse is the lack of dialogues with other people, therefore they close in that world online, being each more difficult time if to relate.

Not forgetting that to become a successful adult, she is necessary to interact and to learn to give to it with the differences. Now it is fact of that if she cannot leave to use the technologies, after all is the essential and reality today for the survival of the capitalist world, and without them she does not exist future brilliant. With ' ' bom' ' use of the Internet, the human being knows all the world-wide cultures and communicates with the world. You have fast access with the main notice of the planet. more, some universities have rooms online with superior courses, what it has facilitated the life of much people that want to study and it does not have time. Then it is hour to face the new trends of the modern world, as a new alternative, placing the technologies for the contents. The educator must trace its objectives and if to locate so that the learning if gives of form criticizes collective, becoming the amused lessons most dynamic and. On the basis of the text, we saw that advantages and disadvantages exist, optimum it is to practise common-sense and to find a break-even point.

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May 27th


Strategic Video Games
by Tam

Strategic video games help the brain in old age work better. Within a decade, neuroscientists at the University of Illinois / USA / studied the effects of computer games on the cognitive skills of men and women over 60 years. After that age milestone in the brain deteriorate the functions associated with the tasks and control activities, including planning and working memory. To study used the game 'Rise of Nations', in which players get points for construction of the city, life support and protection of people, the successful maintenance of the army and expanding territory – that is, people are asked to try himself as the ruler of a fictional world. Executive functions and resource management skills were assessed three times: before, during and after participation in a video game. Testing included detection ability to switch between tasks, the definition of short-term visual memory, argumentation skills and levels of working memory, which indicates whether the brain to store two or more units of information and use them as needed. It turned out that video games have contributed to improving the working memory, improved performance of cognitive tests and speed up brain function. To a lesser degree of success observed in short-term memory and work of visual signals. According to scientists, a professional multi-dimensional training with video games can affect a number of separate components of cognitive skills. Great Medical Encyclopedia

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April 14th


by Tam

The participation of the parents, professors and friends of classroom is extremely important for the good performance of this pupil, therefore, with the devotion of the parents, the interest of the professor in always searching new methods of education, not only for this pupil, but for all in general, and the agreement of its friends of classroom, who had taken knowledge so that they did not friction and they did not commit bulling, and yes to help with motivation. All these intentions can change the life of a person who has learning riot and to make with that the index of reprovao and the failure pertaining to school are extinct. Words keys: Dislexia; Failure; Learning; Pupil; Professor. ABSTRACT This work is the bibliographical study, based on authors that dyslexia write about and has aim you present the difficulty of to teacher in dealing with dyslexic children in learning process. Specifically, Strategies you be applied in class, verifying procedures respecting the evaluation, knowing methods that can be applied in class you the best development of this student. In the hypothesis, the educator ought you have dyslexia the beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code knowledge about what is and which ploughs the most common symptoms. Dyslexia is learning to disorder of reading, writing and spelling. Usually, the symptoms start appearing in the process of alphabetization.

Several Dyslexia can be caused by factors. By this reason, it is classified in dyslexia of the development and acquired dyslexia. Child with suspicion of dyslexia will be evaluated by multidisciplinary group with several kind of professional. Just to after the diagnosis, if the child was confirmed dyslexic, to teacher should apply new methodologies in classroom will be the students you be able you develop his creativity and performance in the reading and writing. The participation of parents, teachers and friends of classroom is extremely important you good performance of this student, therefore, with the dedication of the parents, the interest of to teacher in always searching new methods of teaching, not only will be this student, but will be everyone in general, and the understanding of his friends of classroom, who have knowledge only that they of not label and of not commit bulling, but they help with motivation.

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March 17th


Cognitive Science
by Tam

Therefore, already it was discovered that the words are polpveis and the thought not, of this form, does not have as not to perceive the disparity between both, to think and to speak. Pinker comes to strengthen its theory of the Mentals (language of the mind) when is mentioned in its book on the deaf people, where it speaks: ' ' Also we are knowing auditicas deficient language children devoid who had soon invented one. Still more pertinent it was the discovery of deficient auditory totalmentes adults destitute of language nor language of signals, nor written, nor labial reading, nor fala.' ' (Pinker, 2002, p.75). Steven Pinker, still makes, an inference of that the language closely is related with the experience human being. The people search to join themselves to change words, are in any place, are very probable that they establish one I dialogue. However, when the people do not have with who to talk, they speak alone, with its animals of esteem and even though with plants. Pinker affirms ' ' In our social relations what it earns it is not the physical force, but the verb – the orator eloquente, the seducer of the silver language, the persuasiva child who imposes its will against a father more musculoso.' ' (2002, p.7). In this reflexiva boarding, on the language human being, theoretician sends in them facts not only on the existing diversity of many languages, ' ' but yes on the instinct to learn, to say and to understand linguagem.' ' (PINKER, 2002, p.8) These quarentas years of sprouting and study of Cognitivas Sciences it could be observed some phenomena of the language, as well as when we start to understand the functioning of a digital photographic machine. Beyond enhancing the spreading of these information and discoveries on the functioning of the language, Pinker it also focuses, one another point, what it interests in them more necessarily, that is the visualization of the language not as a cultural device and yes a part of the biological constitution of the brain.

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December 15th


Learning Languages
by Tam

You set a goal – to learn a foreign language. You know why you need it. Either you want to communicate fluently in a foreign language, or maybe you need it to enhance your professional-level options may be many. When selecting methods, in most cases, you will find lots of options and techniques for studying your chosen language. This language courses, tutoring, computer software, textbooks, and tutorials. All this is very good, and probably quite effective methods, but how, if at all that you have little time? You've probably heard about the existence of a method of teaching foreign languages, which uses the effect of 25 fps, which promises stunning results in a relatively short period of time. It is tempting, right? Consider what is and what the basis for this method. Thus, the method of 25-th frame is positioned as one of the methods of influence on subconscious – in other words the method of suggestion.

It is based on the possibilities of perception of the human eye. If we look at the tv screen or monitor, our eyes perceive the image, duplicate 24 times in one second. What happens if any of the information placed in the 25 th or 26 th, and so on shots? Think about that, scientists and psychologists. So in 1957 James Waikerie – American psychologist – held in New Jersey experiment, which based on the use of 25-th frame. He lay in the fact that the 25-th frame were placed on two phrases: "Drink Coke" and "Eat popcorn".

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May 8th


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