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Social Networks
by Tam

Social media a way to more civic participation Berlin 01.08.2012 – E-Government 2.0, social media management terms that describe the change of authorities to citizens through the use of new media, in the context of the public administration sometimes still quite strange appear. Social media, and in principle all possible uses of new media, seem to hide countless opportunities and potentials, while the benefits for Governments and public institutions to estimate not so clearly is for companies of the private sector. Certainly the new media and IT are generally useful instruments for the communication with citizens, they offer dialogue but a new form of dealing with the complaint management And these technologies provide a new base for the press and public relations work of administrations and authorities. Yet a certain personnel, cost and technology associated with their use, and new forms of communication are necessary. New personal competences and professional regulations are the new forms of communication require first and foremost a new distribution of tasks, a reorganization of powers and competences and last but not least a comprehensive data, information and knowledge management. Apply the new organisational structures must, to E-Government and management 2.0 no empty word phrases at the top”, so that the redesign of the management goes hand in hand with a far-reaching redesign of the State. Lacks many administrations and public institutions but also simply to skills and the appropriate parent strategy of press and public relations work with social media, useful and benefit mehrend to use the new media. Employees who are engaged in social media in public authorities and institutions, need to establish legal certainty, for example, and on guiding principles and values of the institution to be able to orient themselves clear social media guidelines, so far only in a few public institutions exist. The use of the Internet as private as official users, then represents a gray area coming social media tools in the game.



June 24th


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