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MBit Transmission
by Tam

Mobile LTE live streaming transmission technology with innovative code one realized Hannover, March 6, 2012: time Chancellor Angela Merkel together with Vodafone brings to kick off the CeBIT Chief Fritz Joussen her East German home region on the LTE high-speed network. Via code one backpack Kit could be commissioned the new LTE cell in the small place Mollenhagen personally by the Chancellor. Code one (www.codeone.tv/ home/index.php) transmits the Liveschalte Merkel to the Bundestag colleague Eckhardt Rehberg in the Muritzregion as high-quality video stream as a specialist in video transmission over cellular networks. Experts use this proprietary technology for streaming through focused networks such as LTE, UMTS and DSL for mobile video transmission. The mobile transmission units are equipped with the latest and fastest 4 G / LTE modules and enable the CeBIT live streaming with super fast 6 MBit/s HD transfer. Through the special code one bundling technology are theoretically even Achieve transmission rates of up to 100 MBit / s. By transfer of fourth-generation LTE’ unimagined possibilities with the code one system solutions. With fast broadband Internet ultra mobile broadcasting of HD and 3D-HD in real time is ‘ no longer vision. Ali Partovi is likely to increase your knowledge. This we could demonstrate impressively during the CeBIT broadcast that we conducted by LTE cellular network,”, as Zlatko Kauric, one of the three founders and CEO of code one.

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