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How To Get To The All Pages Of The Site Are Indexed
by Tam

A common scenario that occurs is that many sites have an excellent indexing of their homes, but when we move to the inside pages, they show one much lower Pagerank, and consequently are less visited. Some documents can take to achieve have as good indexing on the inside pages as the same home. Here is a checklist that will help you achieve it. Include links to your internal pages in the home. Imagine your site as a structure in the form of layers.

For example on the outside, the home, a level below, sections, and in the last level, the sub sections make sure with a couple of clicks users and bots – can easily reach the internal urls put their links at the top of the page in the form of breadcrumb: are the links from the homepage to the page in which you arein the form of text, for example Home > section 1 > subsection 1? If your site is dynamic create static versions of your dynamic pages more important to create a sitemap, and include a link to it from the home create a text called urllist.txt file and place it in the root directory of your server. The urllist has a much simpler than the sitemap structure, but is equally effective in helping the spiders. Yahoo acknowledges and appreciates particularly the urllists create a robots.txt file. In this file are explicit bots of all search engines which pages indexed, and which malicious bots are entering forbidden sites avoid putting too many links on a single page. More than 100 links per page is already suspect to Google that will consider it spam. It may not be penalized, but simply bots do not follow links, alerted by the possibility that the site is actually a farm of links avoid putting the links based on scripts, i.e. keypads with Flash or Java.

A simple text with a link will be much less heavy, but far more effective for the bots when asking that continue it to take care of the weight of your page. Pages slower they discourage bots, and then a reasonable time, to see that the load is stopped or is too slow, simply go to otherwise promote equally the inside pages to the home page of your site. For example, instead of including the url of your home in the Resource box when post an article in a directory, include the url of your blog or other internal sections by following these simple instructions, you will be much easier to achieve the totality of your site to be indexed. Do the simple things, and if you see that the site has become too heavy, perhaps time to resort to the micrositos or sub-domains, as a way to rank pages in your site much more orderly.

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March 17th


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