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Content Menager Sistem
by Tam

After that, the design of future site demonstrates to the customer. If desired, the customer can make adjustments and make changes in design. If the customer approves the designer's work, the payment is made for the work done previously stipulated in the contract. Clients must know that he should prepare all necessary material for the future of the site, in electronic form, namely, the text information, price – list of photos, video and audio materials, etc. It is possible, and our help. Stage 5. The next step – is the work of the programmer.

Approved a project designed designer, programmer provides the basis for the site. Assembles the source material provided by the designer, the site and site content information. Designed, created, deployed and configured functional modules for adequate operation of the site. Material received from the client programmer handle, edit and take other necessary work. In our time programmers create sites for all sorts of CMS, which in the software market represented a great variety.

I stand out from all developed CMS, only 2-3 of the program. Perhaps you have a question, what is this Miracle is a Judaic – CMS? I would be happy. CMS – a Content Menager Sistem, or in Russian management system. Stage 6. The next step will be testing the site. At this stage, verified by factors such as compatibility with various site browsers on the Internet, mapping the site on different monitors, the work of all the modules on the site, availability of links, site navigation, etc. 7 stage. Delivery Site to the customer. All necessary work and activities carried out. Site works, it on the Internet. The customer receives from us all the material on this site: the source files of the site, keys and passwords for the site (if specified in the contract). The programmer is training the customer's work with CMS.

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March 19th


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