Buxtehuder Signing Technology
Caption of slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or even coils the Kurschat GmbH is specialized in niches in the field of automation like also measuring techniques. One such niche technology is the robot-run colour coding for the steel and aluminium industries. With this technology, the specialists from Buxtehude equip robot systems with highly developed Nozzles spray heads that spray logos, numbers, codes or even logos in variable size and under harsh environmental conditions on surfaces at extremely high speed, the up to 1,000 C are hot. Just at the Coilbeschriftung on up to 1,000 hot material, it is common to clogging of the nozzles. But through the rugged, specially designed marking head this problem at the signing bot QSign is almost impossible, which makes him ideal for many applications, especially in slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or coils also. Sophisticated can about the software for the color marking head Cleaning procedures performed are such as the automatic rinsing processes or the nozzle cleaning using special brush construction. Easily, the marking robot into existing production lines, the rolled products or semi-finished products of steel and non-ferrous metals can produce, integrate. The System convinces through the signing speed of approx. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Samsung.
500 mm / s fast amazingly easy also operate the system is above average, because the software is based on the world standard in the industrial world of Siemens. So all parameters over a selected simply-to-use form, focusing on individual characters as dot matrix or line graphics, variable in size, available. Particular emphasis was placed on the reliability and quick troubleshooting. The specialist for marking attaches great importance to the cooperative relationship with its customers and enlighten for example how of course the real overhead with the marking systems. Also the staff is trained accordingly. Especially sign robots are subject to increased maintenance efforts, puts on the company with approximately one to two hours per week in the area of the hot mark. Also, course chat recommends, for example, to provide an additional marking head change system, to perform regular cleaning work not on the line. A corresponding range of Exchange systems and regular maintenance costs many times below the cost of an unplanned failure or line downtime. The Council of the automation specialist: Preventive maintenance and deployment of the most important components as backup systems are better than a machine failure. Go to for more information about the company Kurschat GmbH:
Tags: business & economy, trade