Beautician Advice
When we go to the beautician, you usually want using modern techniques to solve several problems: saturate skin with moisture, clean, adjust its relief to apply preventive measures against wrinkles … And of course, we must understand that we do not need short-term aesthetic effect, but a real help to our skin, which will launch the mechanism of self-regulation, "whip" its natural functions, as long as possible to keep youth and beauty. It is a comprehensive care is provided procedures on devices Biogenie – a creative approach for the treatment of skin and whole body! The very title of the French company signed its meaning: BIOGENIE – using GENIE (genius) and BIO (bio) topology in cosmetology. This company offers cellular electrotherapy devices. Zendesk is often quoted on this topic. What does this mean? For the normal functioning of the cell requires two conditions: adequate food and the opportunity waste disposal. Deterioration of the permeability of cell membranes, which with age is observed in all of us, causes slowing of metabolism, as well as automatic "pollution" because Unhatched slag.
This starts mechanisms of aging. The essence of the therapeutic method Biogenie – the awakening of the natural energy cells. This is due to three elements of influence: – cell currents of low frequency – a specially designed cosmetic means having a specific electric charge corresponding to the potential of the cell membrane – manual massage techniques with elements of yoga, which helps purify the cells, giving it the necessary energy, promotes Cosmetics Biogenie penetration into the deeper layers of skin. Cell elektroestetika Biogenie creates a skin cell real miracles. She resurrects them, cleans, stimulates, gives the necessary energy, eliminates toxins and promotes Cosmetics Biogenie penetration into the deeper layers of skin. Going harmonization of total energy, improving the elimination of toxins from the body and the saturation of needed nutrients.
There is synergy: all elements support and reinforce each other's action, resulting in waking up the inner strength of the body, it returns a true feeling healthy and beautiful skin. Apparatus Biogenie Visage skincare face and chest – is the most productive alternative to the proposed today methods (electroplating, electro-and phonophoresis, ultrasound treatment). Simultaneous use of micro-current therapy and cosmetics Biogenie Visage 10-fold increases effectiveness of treatment. This unique technique allows: – to effectively remove toxins – to saturate the skin with active drugs – lighten dark spots – to stimulate collagen and elastin – muscle tone Fiber – to regulate cell metabolism. Expressed the result you will see at once: after a relaxing hour and a half procedure, the skin acquires a tone, it becomes taut, smooth and elastic, oval face – as if re- "Fashioned". With instant facelift will improve and shape the breast. A course of treatments will give a powerful and lasting rejuvenating effect.
Tags: medicine, Physical Therapy