The Devil Wears Gucci
0900-er numbers and the Pact with the devil housewife is bored and wants to earn some money. Somewhere, she sees that you ne could earn money amount with 0900-somehow and what. Housewife thinks… “hhmm, at 0900-I maagge – everything, can’t, trouble with the partner.” Then comes the saving idea, “aaah, I’m so spiritual, one has said to me and then, okay, I know what.” Housewife logs on at 0900-ichversprechealles, and advises now henceforth as fairy ichweiswas frustrated citizens. The housewife has no social educational or psychological knowledge, is not bad, finally Grandma has to predict also always the weather of tomorrow (rheumatism had announced it days before the next rain or Schnellfall), so fee-ichweiswas in the tradition of great Wahrsagekunsten grew up. Platform operators is pleased to offer-“the more housewives or frustrated singles, the better.” But what does this platform from the sense here? Explanation: This one makes the form flat, in the form of good decency and that the minimum requirement. Example: Helene call platform.
Fairy ichweiswas reports, “Hello Helene.” Helene asks, “My friend no longer register a few weeks ago with me, he come back?” Fairy ichweiswas replies, “you had probably a few problems together, gell?” Helene said, “Yes it worked finally properly at all with us, but anyway, he is with me?” (“Healthy common sense said, the bottle full and tired”), but fairy ichweiswas says “wait still a little when he has calmed, then he comes back.” Helene gets hope, fairy ichweiswas a few percents and the platform operator really coal. But Helene wonders, as her after half a year, runs the lost with his new flame on the way. Fairy ichweiswas, however, has forgotten Helene. Ursula Ortmann
Tags: astrology & esotericism