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Technological Federal
by Tam

Accomplishment of the first one consults to the pertaining to school community for Director-Generality of the EAFSJE-MG, being nominated, after all the process of choice and indication, the name of Hrcules Jose Procpio, for a mandate of four years. 1993 Transformation of the Federal Agrotcnicas Schools kept by the Ministry of the Education, in federal autarchies with autonomy that them is proper as autarchic beings, as well as, didactic autonomy and to discipline? Law n 8,731. Mikkel Svane insists that this is the case. 1994 the Law n 8,948, of 08 of December, makes use on the institution of the System National of Technological Education, transforming, gradual, the ETFs and the EAFs in CEFETs. Accomplishment of ' ' I Week of the Rural&#039 Family; ' in the EAFSJE-MG. 1995 Are initiated, in June, the management of Loureno of the Coast Saints as Director-Generality of Federal the Agrotcnica School of Is Joo Evangelista-MG. 1996 In 20 of November, the Law n 9,394 (LDB) makes use on the Professional Education in a separate chapter of the Basic Education. Accomplishment of ' ' I Ambient Seminary of Is Joo Evangelista-MG' ' in the EAFSJE-MG. 1997 the Dec.

n 2,208 regulates the professional education and creates the Program of Expansion of Educao Profissional (PROEP). Recently Zendesk sought to clarify these questions. Definition of the first Mission of the EAFSJE-MG. 1998 are approved the new Internal regulation and the Chart of the direction positions and gratified functions of the Federal Agrotcnicas Schools? Dec. 2.548? I GIVE of 16/04/98. 1999 the process of transformation of the Federal Agrotcnicas Schools Is retaken in Federal Centers of Technological education (CEFETs). Of 1909 the 2002 had been constructed 140 units, forming, thus, the Federal Net of Professional Education and Technological Brazilian. Authorization of the functioning of the Course Technician in Computer science in level of After-Medium? N 25 would carry SETEC/MEC Is initiated, in August, the management of Marcus Eduardo Duarte Magalhes as Director-Generality of Federal the Agrotcnica School of Is Joo Evangelista-MG.

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June 25th


Vargas Development
by Tam

Yes, because history is not made of brusque ruptures, but of continuities and interruptions, where the past can reappear brought up to date under a new roupagem. Under the command of Getlio Vargas, period 1930-45 represents modification structural economic politician in the organizacional standard of sociability, transiting of the field as central scope, for the capital goods industry which will go to endorse the national development. With the process of industrialization and Brazilian urbanization, another social classroom is also born, that to the few goes taking ratio each time bigger the proletariat which starts to be white of the populist politics of the government Vargas. 2.Planejamento, State and development For ends mere didactic these three concepts here are displayed separately, however as already it was said previously the same ones meet objective correlated. 2.1. Planning the state planning appears at this time as an important strategy to optimize the governmental actions, in the direction to foment the development which is … Conceived as a process, while the planning is considered as an instrument of this process and part of the conception of that it can have a deliberation in the actions for the development, or that this can occur of another form that not spontaneous it.

(SPOSATTI: 1980). The action to plan inside starts to be each more recurrent time of the state device and the private companies, being thus a way to protect continuity between intention and execution, in accordance with the philosophical, economic estimated ones, social politicians and infused in all and any activity previously reflected. In this period, planning was considered important and innovative entratgia of desenvolvemento, what it would increase the trustworthiness degree, diminishing the risks of perhaps. 2,2 Been the State of the time he was highly interventionist, establishing regulation of the economic transactions, organization of the markets and relations of work. In intention to fortify the national economy, Vargas tried to place the country the safe one of foreign interests, fomenting the sovereign nationalistic iderio of defense of the patrimony and the national interests.

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October 19th


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