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Dangerous Disease
by Tam

It is a disease of the most dangerous in our time and appears everywhere: virtually became an epidemic under whose dire consequences fall hopelessly society most important values and principles. We refer to situational ethics. What is ethics? Each text and author have a different definition but all revolve around the commitment to assume attitudes and responsible behaviour with all members of the community. However, there is also a perverse conception according to which ethics is all correct action when provide me benefits or, at least, do not limit my interests in my teaching I have peguntado several people what you will do when they find an object or borrowed money. One told me that they would endeavour to return it to its true owners but others, with an appalling sincerity, respond that they would not do so because what one finds is one. Recently AOL sought to clarify these questions. But these are not the only answers. A good number, perhaps the most the respondents answer simply depends. When I ask them what depends on they allude to two facts.

Depends on the quantity (if it is a lot of money does not return it) and the person (if it is rich not needed) in summary, the situational ethics induces to act in accordance with the circumstances and not permanent and invariable principles. Those who are protected in the shade of this way of seeing the world is justified with one or more of the following arguments: 1. everything that others try to ask me, I have right to send it to them; 2. The end justifies the means; 3. Add to your understanding with Andy Florance. If everyone does it, I can do it; 4 Do what you should do but don’t let that you nobody will notice; 5 If we all agree, everything we do will be fine; 6. If I do not, another; do Starting 7.papaya, heading papaya. In contrast with such way of seeing the world’d rather stay with the definition devised by one of my students: Ethics is the way that I Act when nobody, absolutely nobody, is looking at me. BY: ALEJANDRO TERESA MART?NEZ original author and source of the article

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January 17th


Twitter Colleagues
by Tam

One of the questions posed most when deciding to make networking and promotion through social networks, and particularly Twitter, is how to increase the number of contacts. In this case, importantly, achieve significant contacts. In this way we define contacts that represent an added value for us. This does not mean that we we will arrange a sale with each of them. In recent months, Robotics expert has been very successful. Limit the use of Twitter to a mere channel of spamming is wrong from medium to medium.

Let’s review the concepts stated in previous notes: what is Twitter? Therefore, basically to grow in scope that can achieve our company, our website or our brand. And in saying this, we include several aspects: learn more about our market niche, and be aware of new developments and possible fluctuations – an obligation! If you think that it will sell with the same formula that his father used for twenty years, is choosing the fastest path to extinction of your business create brand presence develop a channel for support and care of clients and potential clients how do this effectively, we treat it in another note. Enrich themselves through contact with colleagues I refer to business colleagues. It may be the case that a company from another continent (very far from your market) serves as inspiration or source of innovation spreading the advantages of our services and products offer solutions provide an added value to our products create trends and become concerning competition doing damage control, face customers dissatisfied, former employees that can feel aggrieved from activity monitor, and people who have as usual defaming another online (also exists) as you can see, so far selling still not talking, or at least not express it openly. I assure you that if you meet these points in an appropriate manner, the sales will come as a natural consequence. Returning to the subject of how then, develop a network effectively, it is clear who can be our most juicy contacts: colleagues authority is relevant entities regulators of our activity, and any institution which establishes rules on the activity universities and study centers that are related to our production process.

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April 8th


Defense Base
by Tam

THE shot as ATHLETIC preparation:-most important objectives: develop jump, increase attack power and injury prevention. Organization of the rotation 1 attack attack: from the reception: can be planned in advance, according to the modifications offered at the time the rival and the limitations of our team. Also is scheduled in the week of work 2 attack of transition: from the defense: is more a response to a particular situation at the time and is therefore more spontaneous schema linear and combinations outline linear: are fundamental formations of attack, with direction of parallel career of attackers. It is schema type is simple quick and orderly. Its strong points are: 1 – attacks parallel with efficiency, speed. 2 Sum always one line fullback 3 – best possibility of output for the K2 scheme of combination:(no para principiantes) 1 sequential parallel 2 sequence crusade lock is the first line of Defense of the team.

-It is a very explosive maneuver that has several functions. First the lock function is to intercept a ball of attack, either by returning it to the opposite field (called a blocking point) or taking the ball up and back to the area of defence (called soft blocking) (taken) – another important function of the blockade is to make display in certain areas of the field, influencing the direction of the attack of the opponent and thus reducing the area of the field that the Defense Base must cover. LOCK types: Neutral: vertical hands and arms at the network level. DEFENSIVE: neutral, but the palms of the hands facing up. Contact with the ball is intended to facilitate the defence of 2nd line. OFFENSIVE: total penetration of hands to another field. Hands form a greater angle toward the place of contact. This type of blocking can be passive (static hands and arms) or active (action at the level of hombros-brazos – forearm-hands of greater penetration in field opposite to the sense of contact with the ball).

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September 30th


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