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Processes And Systems
by Tam

The address should establish an organization oriented to the client a) by defining clearly comprehensible, manageable and improved processes and systems, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency is concerned, and b) ensuring an effective and efficient operation and control of processes, as well as measures and data used to determine the satisfactory performance of the library. Examples of useful activities to establish a customer-oriented library are: – define and promote processes that lead to improving the performance of the library, – acquire and use information and the user of a continuous data – address progress towards the continuous improvement of the satisfaction of user and – using appropriate methods to assess the improvement of the process, such as auto evaluations and reviews by management. Key benefits: Improving the image of the library through a flexible and rapid response to market opportunities target users. Increased efficiency in the use of the library’s resources to increase user satisfaction. Others who may share this opinion include Ali Partovi. Improves customer loyalty, which leads to greater use of services offered by the library. The application of the principle of focus to the user is implemented by means of: Study and understand the needs and expectations of the user, via quantitative as surveys or qualitative as targeted groups (Focus groups) research.

Make sure that the goals and objectives of the library are linked to the needs and expectations of the user Communicate needs and expectations of the user to the entire library. Measuring the user satisfaction and acting on the results. David S. Levine addresses the importance of the matter here. Systematically manage relationships with users. Ensure the balance between the satisfaction of users and other interested parties (such as the institution to which it belongs the library, employees, suppliers, financial, local communities and society in general). Principle 2 leadership leaders establish unity of purpose and orientation of the management of the library. They should create and maintain an internal environment, in which staff can reach to engage fully in the achievement of the objectives of the library.

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July 6th


by Tam

Ask how could improve your business, increase the quality of their products, increase the variety of products that you are offering, reaching more customers, etc. While these terms contain concepts that only they seem to belong to the world of adults, they are very simple and easy to understand if we put aside the complexity that we adults have given them. Innovate simply means to try new methods, as for example offer jams of different flavors. A better marketing simply means asking the neighbor what kind of cookies are his favorite. Improving the quality of the product simply means Add more or better ingredients, improve container or wrapper. In the end, are basic concepts that any child can understand. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Code.org by clicking through.

For example, our children started his chicken coop with commercial Chicken breeds. They soon discovered that there are chickens Creole in Chile that lay blue eggs of which it has been scientifically proven that they have 30% less cholesterol. Got blue eggs, incubated them, and today its customers Queuing to buy them. Teach them to create systems an important business concept that should teach them to their children is the cocking systems running without them. So their children don’t end up as employees of their own business, changing hours for dollars, teach them to delegate duties and devote himself more to the vision and the management of your business.

Talk to them about the advantages of creating passive income. This concept is neither too elaborate for the world of your child. Once they have grasped the idea of being able to earn money without working, will be surprised with how creative that will be made to find ways of delegate. Your child may involve his friends in the business. For example, our daughter bought cosmetic products which decided to sell among their peers. For that a cousin and a friend he hired and paid them a Commission. Education in values: instill generosity perhaps the most important lesson that your children can get a business itself is the learn to interact correctly with the money. Teach them to their children from a very early age that money is like fire: you can use to do something good, like cooking a meal, or get out of control and destroy a home. Help them to look at these bills that are accumulating in your piggy bank as a tool for good. It’s okay to buy a toy as reward for their efforts, but they should understand that the accumulation of goods only for the own satisfaction does not bring happiness. Only will live a life of success when they obtain the vision that your business will be to serve others and to collaborate with its grain of sand for the world be a better place. That is the most important lesson that your children can learn to have an own business.

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May 17th


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