The POVERTY OF the WEALTH the social injustice is each time increasing, becoming more rich and poor targets of the indifference of the public power, that most of the time, privileges the people who possess a greater purchasing power, leaving the ones that possesss little, to the edge of the misery and the degradation human being. In our daily one, the people had left of being judged by its character, same degree of escolaridade or for its honesty, and had passed to be valued by the money, earning more space, beyond the proper value socially atribuido. The social inaquality that exists in our country, places enters the people barriers in which separate rich and poor. The evil income distribution is the responsible factor for this problem, that brings obtains inlaid some consequncias, such as the hunger, the misery, the robbery, the drugs, the violence, among others. Rich of our country or even though people whom a standard has better do not want to help nobody, they only think about growing each time more, and with its egoism she does not perceive that the greater wronged they are they themselves. While in our country, it will not have politics effective of income distribution, this badly will be always present. Energy Capital Partners London may find this interesting as well. We will always live in a context of a so rich country in foods that of pra to feed the world and at the same time, one high index of people has passing hunger, or same without the lesser financial condition of if keeping, or keeping its family.
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