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Money With Youtube Exists
by Tam

YouTube money? It is Possible To make Money With YouTube? According to what, At the moment Money With Youtube Exists 4 Formas De Ganar? When they are had televantes tideos tare Youtube, that is to say that has many visits, it means that he is a user who generates content excellent, for that reason YouTube stimulates to this type of people and these can be Partners of Youtube, of this YouTube form it puts publicity in his videos and it shares with the gains generated by this concept. When a business or a virtual store is had in line, videos of YouTube are used to take traffic towards these other pages and thus to generate traffic free towards these businesses. Creating videos to sponsor an OWN product or a product of AFFILIATE, in case of being an affiliation product the person who takes east traffic receives commission by the people that took with its video and bought this product. Taking traffic with videos towards supplies CPA, in these supplies in some cases the people only must introduce the email or the Zipcode and already with this commissions are generated. (For my the best one alternative) (In each one of the 4 options the Link is left to where it is wanted to take to the visitors in the description of the video) options 1 and 2 are most difficult since in the 1 it must count on a page Web or a store online, the options that I like more are the 3 and the 4 since SHE IS NOT NEEDED to have: Technical knowledge and previous experience of commercialization in Internet. An own page Web. An own product. To pay by Software of key words (a gratuitous tool Exists to know that they look for the people in Youtube) To invest money (Since one takes control of videos of youtube and this service is free. Not even to have own videos since many of these programs give their own videos us.

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October 14th


Ways To Attract People To Your Web Site
by Tam

1. Give people a free subscription to his e-zine. Almost everyone today publishes an electronic journal, so it is important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer gift-format advertising when people subscribe. 2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more attractive to visitors if it is original, also offers the option to print the contents of your e-zine or web site.

3. Give an online directory. The directory could be full of interesting books, e-zines, websites, etc. This will be a valuable resource and that people who receive your directory will visit your page again and again. 4.

Give your visitors a free ebook. You could also include your own ad in the eBook. Learn more at: isearch. If you do not want to spend time to write one, you can ask other writers to use their articles. 5. Organize seminars free online chat from your website. The idea of “living information” certainly attract people to visit their site web. You will become an acknowledged expert in the subject. 6.Organize contests or sweepstakes on its website, and a free entry for visitors to participate. Prizes must be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who come, return to visit their website to get the results. 7. Empower your visitors to download free software. It could be freeware, shareware, demos, etc. You may include a directory on your site libre.Si software you created the software, enter your ad on the inside and allow others to distribute. 8. Offer free online services or public website. They may be search engine submitting, copy writing, etc. A proofreading service or utility should be helpful to your target audience. 9. Giving free advice to people who visit your website. You could offer your knowledge via e-mail or phone. People consider this a huge value, because the fees consulting can be very high. 10. Give your visitors a free subscription to your online club. People want to belong to something, why not your online club?. You may also give a free e-zine for club members.

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February 27th


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