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by Tam

The participation of the parents, professors and friends of classroom is extremely important for the good performance of this pupil, therefore, with the devotion of the parents, the interest of the professor in always searching new methods of education, not only for this pupil, but for all in general, and the agreement of its friends of classroom, who had taken knowledge so that they did not friction and they did not commit bulling, and yes to help with motivation. All these intentions can change the life of a person who has learning riot and to make with that the index of reprovao and the failure pertaining to school are extinct. Words keys: Dislexia; Failure; Learning; Pupil; Professor. ABSTRACT This work is the bibliographical study, based on authors that dyslexia write about and has aim you present the difficulty of to teacher in dealing with dyslexic children in learning process. Specifically, Strategies you be applied in class, verifying procedures respecting the evaluation, knowing methods that can be applied in class you the best development of this student. In the hypothesis, the educator ought you have dyslexia the beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code knowledge about what is and which ploughs the most common symptoms. Dyslexia is learning to disorder of reading, writing and spelling. Usually, the symptoms start appearing in the process of alphabetization.

Several Dyslexia can be caused by factors. By this reason, it is classified in dyslexia of the development and acquired dyslexia. Child with suspicion of dyslexia will be evaluated by multidisciplinary group with several kind of professional. Just to after the diagnosis, if the child was confirmed dyslexic, to teacher should apply new methodologies in classroom will be the students you be able you develop his creativity and performance in the reading and writing. The participation of parents, teachers and friends of classroom is extremely important you good performance of this student, therefore, with the dedication of the parents, the interest of to teacher in always searching new methods of teaching, not only will be this student, but will be everyone in general, and the understanding of his friends of classroom, who have knowledge only that they of not label and of not commit bulling, but they help with motivation.



March 17th


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