Simple Techniques
When you’re discouraged, sad, angry or laziness, those emotions you predispose certain way towards the actions you are taking at that particular time. On the other hand, when you’re feeling confident and motivated, you will feel that a great power comes over and that you can achieve anything you set. That is why it is so important to be attentive to your emotions so you can intervene in them and modify them to obtain the best results from the actions you choose to undertake. When you feel that you are invading the downturn and discouragement, using these simple techniques that will help you to exit more quickly of the emotions that you are holding back: 1. take a few seconds for free writing.
Take a notebook and a pencil and writes everything what is going through your mind at that time. You must be on the lookout for your thoughts. This allows you not only relieve you to clarify the situation as you this must also give you an outline of thoughts to make able to change them consciously. 2 Learn to accept the emotions that you seized without resistance. All emotion has a cause and entails a learning.
This allows you to rescue the positive within the crisis and left you an education you can use tomorrow. 3 Get memory of the happy moments of your life. Write when they have happened and in that situation you were, tries to revive the feelings you had in those moments that help you combat negative emotions. 4 Listen to the music you like best. Take a few moments to sing and dance to the sound of any melody. It is amazing how the music has the power to change moods. 5.Ponte in touch with those people who most want and in whom more trust. They are your group’s contention. If you want you can talk to them and ask them to give you their opinion or just listened to and/or provide you some sympathy.
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