PowerPoint Participants
Authors: Galakhov IV, Lapygin DV Beginners AN Podolyak OR, Posin BA Preface This article presents the technology of automated document creation Series Standard 34 and 19 with the aid of software tools company IBM Rational, Building on the experience gained during the implementation of projects in a comparative analysis of the composition and content of the artifacts Rational Unified Process (RUP) and documentation requirements for the Standard 34 and 19. Connect with other leaders such as Mikkel Svane here. Considered A summary of the tools used by IBM Rational. At a conference on standards, the report called practical interest to the audience, which prompted the authors to its place on the Internet. Planned publication of the continuation of this article. You can request a presentation of the report in Russian in PowerPoint and newsletters on products and technologies IBM Rational.
The introduction of sustained increases in and complexity of software systems (SS), as well as increase their quality requirements have led to active development of technologies that automate the processes the software life cycle. The need for such technologies based on a constant complication of project design, development and maintenance of software, by increasing the number of project participants, tighter quality requirements and terms of yield on the market. Software projects with an increase in the number of participants become difficult to manage. It becomes impossible to maintain the high quality of systems without any special techniques for control of life cycle of software (LC PS). For the efficient operation of a large number of project participants is necessary to organize groups based on the strict regulation of how the team as a whole, and individual participants in the project with a clearly defined distribution of responsibilities.