PLASTIC MONEY: The APPLICABILITY OF the TECHNOLOGY OF the CHIP INTELIGENTEElanir Fernandes Cardoso Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroNelcily of the Birth Gamma Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroRosiane Gonzaga Garci’a Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroLzaro Moraes Barbosa Analyst of System – DBAOrientadorAureliano Da Silva Guedes Trd.CI.UP – PortugalCoordenador of the Course of GTIResumo: It presents the applicability of the technology of chip, considering the use in smart card (intelligent card), for what it demonstrates the sprouting, the functioning and, of general form the vision of the society in relation to the use, emphasizing some of the offered advantages, as well as the disadvantages, detaching in reflection the security of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology. Smart card. Evoluo.Summary: it is presents the applicability of the technology of the chip, considering the uses in smart card (intelligent card), will be what it demonstrates the appearance, the operation and, in the general way the vision of the society in relation you the uses, emphasizing adds of the offered advantages, well the disadvantages, highlighting in reflection the safety of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology.
Smart card. Evolution.1 INTRODUOO world lives in constant evolution of form that everything and all compose that it, is part of this evolution. Example of this is the constant evolution lived in the most different ways, amongst which we find computer science with its multiple transformation. It is common to say that, what today is current in computer science, tomorrow it will be exceeded. The globalization, the commercial expansion and the interchange between countries, propitiated and contributed, so that it had a great technological advance that it comes if spreading in all the areas of the human knowledge. Not distant of this fervilho of changes, we find the use of smart cards or translating, intelligent cards, one of most common and used symbols of the evolution technological nowadays, and popularly call ' ' money of plstico' '.
Tags: technology