Mobile With The UMTS Flat Rate From O2 Surf
O2 UMTS flat rate with HSDPA and HSUPA – EDGE support there are now numerous UMTS flatrates with HSDPA support, mobile surfing that, ideally, allow up to 7.2 Mbit / s. In the ideal case is that one is in a place where the UMTS network with HSDPA is equipped and naturally modem putting with a UMTS HSDPA, that is designed for speeds of 7.2 Mbps. One of the many UMTS of flatrates with HSDPA, namely that of O2, is the flat rates another provider in the shade, for the following reasons: in the first month, if not satisfied, you have a money back guarantee and without giving reasons. No other vendor offers this. The flat rate allows the use of VoIP (voice over IP) or Internet telephony as for example via Skype or iCall. Other providers of UMTS HSDPA flat rates do not allow this or only when booking an additional VoIP rate.
The tethering is allowed. The tethering is the use of mobile phones or Smartphones as a modem, in this case as UMTS HSDPA fashions, for the Notebook. You may use the programs also Instant Messenger like for example Yahoo exhibition Haque. The other providers do not allow this. UMTS network by O2 is which of the two place deer T-Mobile and Vodafone not in, so it certifies the journal connect”in their issue 11/2009. In contrast to the two competitors, the network of O2 offers HSUPA, the data upload Accelerator, with up to 2.0 Mbit/s, whereas there are 1.4 Mbit/s at T-Mobile and Vodafone. EDGE is possible in the O2 network with up to 220 kbit / s. Also, some customers in parts of Munich with HSPA +, with up to 28 MB / s, can surf with O2.
The network expansion is an absolute priority at O2 and the evident in recent months. The pace of the O2 UMTS flat rate is reduced from 5 GB data generated. This is the case but also in all other UMTS flat rates in Germany. Try surfing for example on the 22nd of the month to surf the 5 GB, up to the end of the month only with GPRS speed. The 64 kbit / s are expressed in figures in the raw and 16 kbit / s upstream, so in about ISDN speed. The O2 UMTS Monthly, if you ordered it online, otherwise 25 EUR 21.25 euros on flat rate. The contract period is at least 24 months and you have the basic tariff o2 active data order mandatory, but 0 euro. O2 offers special promotions for which you must pay no connection fee again. One Bay at a time when just nothing special is running, you must pay 25 euro. In terms of hardware, O2 offers a quite extensive. UMTS USB sticks, UMTS notebook cards and various Netbooks with UMTS UMTS router onboard can add be ordered to the flat rate. All of course with HSDPA and HSUPA – EDGE functionality. A UMTS USB stick, there is 1 euro to the flat rate. Marlon Culic