Marcel Hall
Experience and a good education is important for the career of coaching, the coach should certify them also. Sympathy is a decisive factor in the choice of the job Coaches. Therefore, it is advisable to contact several coaches. In the preliminary of the career of coaching can be perceived if fits the interpersonal level. The personal style of the job coach is often as important. Here, it is important that job coach and client to each other fit for a successful coaching career. Also a type of Laissez-Faire and a structure fanatics can perform successfully together a coaching.
It is crucial the intuition of the principal to the coach. On the basis of references can be verified, what experiences others had with the job coach. At this point can be determined, how helpful a career can be in this job coach coaching. The Marburg study to the German coaching market 2009 ( news.php? id = 608) has determined that approximately 8000 coaches working in Germany. It is not known how many of them specialize on career coaching. However, shows that the huge mass of offers. The selection seems even more important for a successful career in coaching, the matching job coach. An online database is recommended for the search.
The European Coaching Association offers a very good platform, as it ensures transparency through the licensing of ECA and ECA’s quality standards. ( Managing Director of coaching house Berlin, systemic consultant and personal and business coach Marcel Hall reports: the job interview at the beginning of the career or job change is very crucial. It is important not to move but to be authentic. Only as a long-term working relationship can be created, in which feels the workers well and can work well. The job coach can help to identify your own values system and work out what is really important in the job the customer.
Tags: education & career, profession