After the dialogue, take the legendary motorcycle and go into place. There you have to ability to ride a motorcycle. You will need to overcome obstacles. Then, in one of the lanes, kill a couple of people and catch up with the three Baker – they too are subject to liquidation. And then, be sent to the monument to the Globe and lay at its base explosive. How to activate the bomb is this: you must first show a certain sequence of button presses = you have to memorize it and repeat. After activate the bomb, there will be a colorful screen saver Mission passed! – For free.
Mission 42: Faster Pusher Man! Sell! Sell! Need to collect the required number of drug: but very unusual way. Pulls the car to drug traffickers and "To shift" costume with drugs, from one bag to another! This can be done without leaving the car – it you will greatly facilitate the execution of the mission. After the required number of Zborov, vezite all "good" to the rear entrance of the lunchroom. Mission is free. On the map there is one label, "H-Shield" take rate, and rush there. Mission 43: Scrambled. After the dialogue, remember the place indicates the location on the map. For those of memory and using the scale be sent there.
So Makar go further Two points: everywhere we "wait" shoot the bad guys. And then catch up with car and blow it. During the mission will get nothing.
Tags: software and games