Internet Journalists
First, we must accept. Changing the old formulas. And above all, accept that there are no formulas. My first suggestion is to have a receiver very close, to shut it down. To relearn.
To stop ignoring. To doubt the expert in the neighborhood who yells at the radio, the announcer of years, the master of the audience, a iconoa who speak non-stop and never says anything. The most that transmit information transmitting vices of the profession. Then, switch to ignore the teacher. To copy what ever copied: the a originalidad.a This pre-modernidada the journalists are to produce, a usar new tecnologiasa , read the mail, enter the chat room or have a photo on the Internet and thus "being immersed in the new media reality?" No.
And what he says is so quiet. year we are ready! It tells the word processor a nueva tecnologiaa. You begin to defend the truth. Itself. And the truth, it opens the hole of unknowing. So will have to clarify that there is a fight between spectators and journalists or replace one another. No, it is rather a mixture. Aid. Less megaphone, more communication. Let hablar.a So there goes the frase.a "Journalists should stop thinking of them as oracles, because they are not, should consider providing leadership and guidance to the public to information, although the competition has developed. The author of the new journalism, Dan Gillmor, intends to hear, but not necessarily to the sources, but to the people.