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Information and Communication Technologies
by Tam

Erivelto Alves Prudncio, Jairo de Carvalho and Jose Luis Blacksmith, say on the New technologies of information and communication and the system of management of courses moodle salient the importance of the tools of available communication and interaction in the Moodle and in the distance discourse on excellent aspects of the process of development of the technologies of information and communication for the implementation of projects of courses. The use of the information technologies has as historical landmark the decade of 1990, that it was characterized by the popularizao of computer, in the end of this same decade, that had the proliferation of the use of the Internet in the world-wide net. With the use of the Internet it was more easy to run away from the standard where the professor says and to the pupil listening the computers, the Internet, the videoconferncias and other new technologies of information and communication had been adopted as important educational resource transforming you practise them pedagogical conventionals and making possible the appearance of other modalities of education. The Internet and the modernization of the medias make possible to the exchange of information in any part of the planet where exist hardwired computers the world-wide net, thus the available technological resources in the current days diminish the existing difficulties for in the distance physical between pupils and professor, and the technology becomes? if a half facilitador of interaction. In it I capitulate IV the authors had had the pretension historically to give account of the totality of constructed the theoretical and practical quarrels in what they are mentioned to the clarifications on the method scientific and social, exemplificando, stimulating critical reflection and theoretical quarrel on philosophical beddings. Through the reading carried through in the intitled chapter, we can ripen and learn each time more, also to accept and until requesting critical rigorous, that in very can enrich our knowledge.

To offer suggestions for university students of average education and, on the long-distance education and use of the information technologies and communication so that they can carry through work and develop the capacity to produce its proper knowledge. Erivelto Alves Prudncio is technician of the nucleus of education in the distance of the state university of Maring, graduated geography for the state university of Maring. Jario de Carvalho is member of the team of the nucleus of education in the distance of the state university of Maring, professor of the state net of education, graduated history for the state university of Maring. Jose Luis Blacksmith he is technician of the nucleus of long-distance education of the state university of Maring, specialist in development of systems for web (UEM). * Geraldo Dos Reis Souza, Academic of the course of EAD, licenciatura of Physics of the open university of Brazil. (UAB).



May 17th


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