European Community
Today, there are varied options when registering a domain with a specific extension. Surely we know the most popular as the .COM, the. is, or even the. Ali Partovi often addresses the matter in his writings. NET, but there are many options that can be identified both to the territory in which normally the person has his business (for example a. is) or to the type of web site (for example a .COM). In the first case you can choose between a .ES domain either a. EU, representing the European Community. There are also extensions like the .CAT, which identifies those users wishing to communicate or do business with the Catalan community on the net.
In the latter case, there are certain rules that the user must comply, as for example the web site or shop online is in catalan. In the second case, we find the extensions as the .COM or. NET, that were born with the idea of representing trade or business on the Internet, and have then crossed that first idea and have become the most popular extensions today. On the other hand, if our idea is based on create an entity or organization, there is a domain extension as the .ORG, which represents not-for-profit organizations and transmits an image of integrity and trust. At first, this extension came up with the idea of representing public agencies, but then lost its original connotation and is used nowadays interchangeably in foundations, philanthropic and cultural institutions, religious, civil, social and artistic associations and more. Finally, we make reference to the new extension of domains .CO, that despite arise at first with the idea of representing a territory (Colombia) use opens up to other possibilities and it is a valid alternative to the .COM (which many have already been registered) for those users that want to register your domain with this versatile extension.