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Digital Video Disc
by Tam

DVD will be presented (Digital Video Disc), in which it will contain the program of learning with the video-lesson inserted, together with emends elaborated, that it is in format pdf, available in the site of the learning program. The main objective was to provide a resource more in the learning of who will be to operate these softwares, with clarifying videos and one emends of easy interpretation. 3,5 PROGRAMS OF PROCESSING the programs of processing of the collected rude data during the mensurao for the geomensor, come to assist these professionals in the question of a fast and trustworthy ascertainment of the procedures carried through in field. For each model of receiver GNSS it has an available software for the processing of the data previously collected. Amongst the most known in the country, and that they will be boarded in this work, they are: GNSS Solutions, TGOffice, Leica Geoffice and Topcon Tools.

Another available tool for the calculation of the transport of coordinates, and that also it will be demonstrated in videos through the learning program, is the Positioning for Necessary Point, also known as PPP, a resource that meets available in the site of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). These programs are of simple manuscript and easy learning. It has as function to carry through statistical tests and to process the inserted data in them for the user. After this processing, is carried through by each software the adjustment of these comments, and then a report of this adjustment is generated. Through the gotten results, the quality of the vectors and processed coordinates can be made the analysis of the survey and be verified. 4 PRESENTATION OF the PROGRAMS OF PROCESSAMENSTO GNSS to follow, the analyses of the processings and the manuscript of the main used programs, currently, in the geodesic universe. 4,1 TGOFFICE As study object, was used version 1.60 of the TGOffice program (Trimble Geomatics Office).



September 18th


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