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Digital Advertising
by Tam

In 2010, as consumers increasingly used social media, social networks optimized their advertising products to meet the needs of the marks, achieving profitability. On the other hand, the incorporation of social media in the daily life of consumers make to increase the attractiveness of the location platforms. Advertisers, willing to experiment with the campaigns in the various social networks, increasingly offer online advertising more segmented and relevant thanks to data obtained from the users. These are 6 forecasts for digital advertising in 2011: 1. Returns local advertising thanks to geo location-based advertising will grow in 2011 thanks to the expansion of the platform Places Facebook. In addition, other services like Yelp, Foursquare, Shopkick and Google will make buyers to share with your friends your location in exchange for receiving coupons. The significance of these services will be that the two giants, Facebook and Google, have the social data more interesting to offer custom discounts. On the other hand, Groupon will continue to maintain its dominant position in 2011 thanks to the monetization of local commerce.

2 Silicon Valley will be the new Avenue-Madison before, the best publicists worked on Madison Avenue in New York City advertising agencies. The dream of the applicants is now on Facebook and Twitter. As Facebook and Twitter begin to generate more profits, the talents of the advertising and marketing will begin to scroll the Californian coasts. 3. The influencers will be celebrities from social media consumers seek constantly on the web where eat, buy or staying, so it is obvious that brands discuss Twitter, blogs and opinions to understand where are the older audiences and, above all, how much influence individuals have. The YouTube partner program is participating in the creation of new services like Klout to create an official stratum of social credibility.

4 Small is the new big objective of the networks social while Mark Zuckerberg believes that the best thing for society is a social web open and connected, the facts show that users are decanted by experimenting with new platforms designed to communicate and share content with small audiences. Path, which limits each user networks to 50 people, or Fast Society, a communication service for iPhone that allows you to create groups for three days, are some of the examples of this new type of social media. Even Facebook has a new feature that allows you to segment friends into different groups and to open talks with them separately. In 2011, there more of these small networks, since people increasingly seek more deeper online connections. 5. Marks will be media companies social media have made brands to launch their own news rather than rely on advertising or public relations to disseminate their messages. As brands are more comfortable in social media, devoted more budget and attention to the creation of quality content for social platforms. 6. I like Facebook will be important for brands brands will triple advertising investment in Facebook in 2011 and I like the acquisition of buttons plays an important role in this increase in demand. Instead of testing between two photos to find out what generates more clicks, marks and more advanced agencies are developing a technology able to publish over 10,000 variations of an ad to find out which has lower than a CPA.


July 12th


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