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Deputy Director
by Tam

Care specialist atacama informed users in a BAULOGIS seminar in Bremen, 13.02.2012 – nursing services in varying degrees were depicted with the introduction of the DRG system. Since the beginning of the year is relevant revenue the complex care score (BAULOGIS), which tracks the overhead for the highly complex care of patients in the hospital on normal stations, now. The policy compliant figure of this care in the DRG-system provides the facilities face new challenges in documentation and coding. Due to the implementation, there is often uncertainty. Who wanted the Bremen IT service providers and care specialist atacama Software take a BAULOGIS seminar participants, which is been organized by the Bremen hospital society (HBKG). More than 40 care directors, head of nursing and nurturing followed the invitation of the HBKG. Experts and users gave them not only details about the BAULOGIS, but also possibilities of software-based acquisition and evaluation.

Dr. Jan Scherlitz from the medicine controlling of hospital Reinbek St. Adolf pin explained detailing the calculation of the BAULOGIS and its effects on the revenues. To ensure this, he recommended a collection of reasons and nursing services from the recording. Should subsequently turn out, that the patient is treated but longer, the default documentation can be not rescheduled. The aim is to capture the reason for maintaining highly elaborate individually for each performance area and to undertake appropriate nursing interventions. To do this, he recommended including a photographic wound documentation with ruler. Despite all efforts, the medical controller calls a correct detection: If the BAULOGIS encoding is grossly incorrect, the frequency of the MDK-tests increases, and it comes to repayment claims from health insurance companies. The presentation made it clear that a BAULOGIS on paper is effectively not possible. The practical implementation of the BAULOGIS with the help of a LEP-based electronic nursing documentation explained Angela Ahrens, Deputy Director of nursing at St.

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May 7th


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