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Cloud Computing
by Tam

“The strengths and weaknesses of the cloud depend on the respective service and deployment model ‘ Hamburg, 04.05.2011 – Elaine Berdon, senior system consultant at networks directly, advises years data centers and companies in the area of server virtualization.” Most recently, he accompanied the introduction of a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure in a data center. The editors who directly informed talked with him as the cloud in the industry will be discussed. directly informed: how would you define the term cloud? What are the characteristics? Elaine Berdon: For me a cloud is a cloud, then if it the definition of NIST (National Institute of standards and technology) is. The knowledge of this definition is important for a serious discussion on cloud computing. In addition to the various deployment and service models of cloud a cloud of particular importance mentioned in the NIST definition, characteristic properties are: users have the ability, resources independently and according to its own Wish to order. Also, they should have a network of different devices out allows access to the required resources. The resources are provided from a pool and can also quickly be scaled. For the user, the impression of infinite resources.

“(See NIST definition of cloud computing) directly informed: how cloud-ready are the IT holdings in companies?” Elaine Berdon: get a first assessment when comparing the company’s IT services to the cloud requirements of NIST-essential characteristics. I will give you a practical example from the cloud service model cloud infrastructure as a service (IaS) type: in many companies, it takes at least three days, are often also much longer, can be used to order virtual server. Technical concept, IP addresses, administrative processing and storage are passed from Department to Department. In the cloud model, the server from a Web catalog of the users would be selected and provided completely automatically in a very short time.



April 27th


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