Brazil Company
This of the total one of 396 hamper p garbage s cover being 144 hampers p garbage 23 liters s cover to collect paper towel in the sinks, 252 hampers p garbage 14 liters s cover in the masculine and feminine bathrooms to collect paper hygienical. These lixeiras will be covered interior by removable plastic bags, being foreseen that the collection of the garbage will be made four times per day: one per the morning, another one after the schedule of lunch, beginning of the night and the last one to the end of the night when if it locks up the expedient. Real program of Recycling of Stacks and Batteries – ' ' Pope; ' The collection of stacks and used batteries will be made using the program, developed for the Real Bank. More information is housed here: Mikkel Svane. The program already got adhesion of about 200 institutions, between them TIM, Gerdau, 3M, Votorantim and Johnson & Johnson. Others 300 company already are registered in cadastre and will be the next ones to receive displays for the rank from the inservvel material.
The Real Program of Recycling of Stacks and Batteries counts more than on 1,800 company in all Brazil with forecast of until December of 2008, to reach 3,170 points of collection. The mission is to minimize the impact caused for the inadequate discarding of these materials in the environment and to mobilize other partners of the Real Bank. The program, available of the agencies of the Real Bank for the country (27 states), consists of the installation of displays collecting, removed monthly for the Logistic ADS, that directly carries the material to company SUZAQUIM, only company permitted in Brazil to carry through the work of recycling. The Pope-Stack Program inside receives all and any stack or portable battery, with measures until 5×8 cm, including carrying and cellular device of this measure. Final destination of the reciclvel garbage with the reaproveitamento of paper, glass, aluminum and plastic.
Tags: environment