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by Tam

However, the impact of the 9transformaes in the treatment and use of the information impose deep conceptual and metodolgicas changes to arquivstica science. To act in multiple actions, different plans of priority, a base to interdisciplinar, the necessary institution to count on institucional program of preservation, politics very defined well. For the construction of this program, the planning will be an essential stage. According to BECK, the planning of preservation if it constitutes of three main stages. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. In the first one the groups of study are nominated, involving the different managements, administrative techniques and. These groups participate of the election of with priority documentary sets; in the second stage the surveys are become fullfilled on the climato-ambient conditions of security conservation and; in the third stage, on the analysis of the raised data, the institucional politics are defined, transferring itself then to the writing of the institucional program of preservation. In the case of raising the climato-ambient conditions, the institution can opt to prioritizing the environments that they shelter the considered collections with priority, and, in this in case that, the survey of conditions must only enclose the areas of storage of these quantities.

To the end of each stage of the planning a report is produced, that will serve as essential source of information for the continuation of the works in the following stage. The set of the information will be the base for the writing of the institucional program. The surveys of risk elements, related to the conditions of the building and its installations, very enclose a diversified universe of elements, but with amounts not very raised, as, for example, esquadrias, gutters, tubings, electric junctions of coverings, nets, etc. Send regards that these surveys contemplate the totality of the interest elements, to result in consistent reports. Already in the surveys of the collections, ahead of the great number of item, the research costuma to be carried through by sampling. Marc Mathieu is likely to agree.



March 10th


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