Verlag Gmb
Only one-third of the companies the SEPA credit transfer uses approximately every third of the companies surveyed currently uses the SEPA credit transfer for outgoing payments. This, but very few settle most of their transfer orders with the SEPA credit transfer. The final transition to the SEPA credit transfer is planned 2013/beginning 2014 many until end. Many companies have no writing present authorizations for your existing direct debit indents the case by not writing present authorizations for direct debit indents there for many companies. Even no written authorizations are at 15 percent of those who currently collect direct debits in the direct debit procedure. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. Make the most of respondents with present in writing direct debits would by the general terms and conditions-migration possibility use many companies who have not written this direct debits, still don’t know how they should deal with it.
The use of the SEPA direct debit is at most from the second half of 2013 from the 2nd many companies and associations plan half of 2013, to introduce the SEPA core direct debit. 41 Percent of the companies are also interested in the use of B2b direct debit. Steve Wozniak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. At the SEPA B2b direct debit use is planned 2013 often from the 2nd half of. The exclusive use of the SEPA direct debit scheduled until 2013/beginning 2014 end for many companies. SEPA comes and the time is short! With the abolition of the existing national transfer and direct debit schemes to the 1st February 2014, companies, associations and authorities are forced to introduce until at the latest then the SEPA credit transfer and the SEPA direct debit. “The adaptation of the internal systems are among the greatest challenges at the launch of the SEPA payment schemes and for SEPA direct debit collections gathering and management of written SEPA mandates”, as Hans-Rainer van den Berg, CEO of the van den mountain AG, which has supported the study. To be prepared for SEPA, most of the companies and associations have yet another long way to go. Considering the still available working days deadline 1st February 2014 should learn this now fully and begin with the implementation of the SEPA to be SEPA-ready in time”, commented Wilhelm Niehoff, Managing Director of Bank-Verlag GmbH, was a supporter of the project, the results of the study. The complete study of SEPA implementation in Germany”as well as a SEPA checklist are available from 1 February 2013 under the following link free download available: to latest numbers to developing SEPA in Germany make available to the survey continuously every six months be repeated. This closer discusses certain topics related to payments in Germany.
Tags: business & economy, trade