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Creating Web Pages
by Tam

Slightly more than ten years in Russia there is such a profession, as a web designer. And the popularity of this profession is increasing dramatically every year. What web design differs from the usual programming? By definition, Web-design – . But this simple definition is in fact under a broad basis. Today's web design – it's a lot of programs, knowledge of several languages, the presence of artistic taste, kopirayterskie abilities and much more. Therefore, a high-quality site – a task for professionals. So, you've come to the web designer.

Tell him about the purpose of future site, one you could imagine. If your site is representative of your company on the Internet – tell us about your company, provide all materials, databases, photos and logo of your company. The first thing a web designer thinks – it's the overall design of the site. Many questions arise – do all the pages of the same color or different style in which to stop, how to choose the location of navigation, etc. This creative process is monitored and recommend steps coordinate with the designer. Further, a web designer is determined by the so-called engine site. Sites can be created in different programming languages such as ASP, HTML and many others. In recent years become very popular sites made by Flash-technology.

And no wonder – Flash-technology allows you to create a beautiful, bright site with live interactive images, buttons, sound. These sites are very colorful and are essential in any business as a good business card or flyer. Flash-site – one of the most spectacular ways to tell about your site. And, rest assured, the visitor has developed a favorable impression of your company presented in this style. Third – site content. This whole problem of the customer – than to fill pages. Although professional web design and can perform this task by filling your site unique content loaded by keywords your website and optimized in SEO. Large web studio doing work on the principle of 'all inclusive'. That is, they will continue to support this site, spending his administration (if you have problems or you do not have a Administrator) and select for quality and reliable website hosting and register your organization domain name (ie sayta.ru) and create a website, as well as develop a multimedia presentation to promote your company. A good web site – it is easy for visitors to use the site – the ability to quickly find information, unique style all pages on the site, the harmonious combination of all elements of the site – hats, pictures, high-quality text content. How to choose a performer to create my site? In every studio has a Web portfolio, which can be seen looking at reliability, the degree of professionalism and high quality of work. If you started the company sites to satisfy you on all points of good Web design, then this web-studio cope with the creation of your site perfectly. Cost of the work varies considerably – from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, it is heavily dependent on what features should be your site. I would like to say how professional your site will be created, depending fame and popularity among users.

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March 24th


Adobe Computer
by Tam

To present a national of one of the numbers is particularly widespread popular computer program is, without doubt, a computer graphic editor known as Photoshop. With it, including people who have never in my life drawing, acquire the ability to create a really extraordinary graphics. Attractive to a large circle at the same time and similar features as color correction. Broad massive use of digital photographic type allows each wishes to create a picture. And in order to convert pictures into true masterpieces, want to directly download free photoshop. The newspapers mentioned Ali Partovi not as a source, but as a related topic. C Using this computer program can modify and shade and shape, and image and create unique collages of different images. Also, a user who is not too intimately familiar with this program, Photoshop allows you to create original images based on the finished pieces.

By the way, taking advantage of a calendar template can be two or three minutes to create an interesting romantic wall calendar with its personal images or pictures of your friends. In essence, the framework for Mac – it's a great chance to form intensely original pictures, in principle, without acquiring special knowledge in the field computer graphics. It should only use the already prepared blanks, brushes, and personally shot photographs to create imaginative and stylish visual objects. For a large number of fans digital imaging Photoshop was just the magic wand that allows you to adjust and photographs, and draw funny cartoons, and even their own cartoon. And all this is done very easily. However, including for those who just can not interact with the program, there are all sorts of courses, which describes the steps to achieve certain special effects. Follow the instructions in the lesson can be elementarily and in a short time to do including the most challenging visual effects and photographic montage. At the same time in order to download the application now pretty tempting to pick only version – and download it from the portal in parallel with specific russificator.

In this way you can quickly put his favorite computer program, and begin to create with its use. In order to download the latest Photoshop, you want to go to a special portal – for example, the portal of Adobe, the creator of a computer program, or for whatever other Internet portal which is devoted to this wonderful program. Adobe Photoshop – excellent computer application in order to transform the very different image, create it truly attractive to a significant number of people. And for many Adobe Photoshop is the passion that flows into the designer's work.

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August 1st


Content Menager Sistem
by Tam

After that, the design of future site demonstrates to the customer. If desired, the customer can make adjustments and make changes in design. If the customer approves the designer's work, the payment is made for the work done previously stipulated in the contract. Clients must know that he should prepare all necessary material for the future of the site, in electronic form, namely, the text information, price – list of photos, video and audio materials, etc. It is possible, and our help. Stage 5. The next step – is the work of the programmer.

Approved a project designed designer, programmer provides the basis for the site. Assembles the source material provided by the designer, the site and site content information. Designed, created, deployed and configured functional modules for adequate operation of the site. Material received from the client programmer handle, edit and take other necessary work. In our time programmers create sites for all sorts of CMS, which in the software market represented a great variety.

I stand out from all developed CMS, only 2-3 of the program. Perhaps you have a question, what is this Miracle is a Judaic – CMS? I would be happy. CMS – a Content Menager Sistem, or in Russian management system. Stage 6. The next step will be testing the site. At this stage, verified by factors such as compatibility with various site browsers on the Internet, mapping the site on different monitors, the work of all the modules on the site, availability of links, site navigation, etc. 7 stage. Delivery Site to the customer. All necessary work and activities carried out. Site works, it on the Internet. The customer receives from us all the material on this site: the source files of the site, keys and passwords for the site (if specified in the contract). The programmer is training the customer's work with CMS.

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March 19th


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