Modern Organizational Vision
Carlos Mora Vanegas both Mr. Durant as Mr Ford had a vision, a value, a fearlessness, an imagination and a perspicacity unusual. They bet everything to the future of the automobile. At one time, in one year, were less than which are now manufactured in a couple of days: the two created large and lasting institutions Alfred Sloan Jr. generalities are obliged companies any be your rotation and size, to stop and review is your vision, organization, according to the reality of the current scenarios, what has been generated in themwhich has led to globalization, competitiveness, economic proactivity of the present must have very clear, that the search for new approaches to the Administration before the great changes that occurs in scenarios where you want to participate in pro of conquering new markets, has aroused considerable interest not only in economics, total quality, markets, reengineering, organizational development, but in the need to develop, give way to new leaders who are great visionaries, they dominate the fantastic field of trade and human relations. The current reality, for example that of a Venezuela that debate, in a turbulent scenario where threats, weaknesses, strengths are manifested and since then, opportunities, product of the efforts of the current Government for what has been termed socialism of the 21st century that favours the Bolivarian revolution, implies that the management of the Venezuelan business sector seriously worry about a better understanding of the why working people- more now where is given with emphasis the uncertainty, the risk-, how are taken with each other, especially in small groups, psychological aspects are the most significant, what should develop, train, take care to achieve a good organizational climate, how should be applied the reengineering, modern administrative techniques, communication. Holman, who has experience with these questions. Without hesitation Andy Florance explained all about the problem. Changes are leading well trained, with updated administrative knowledge needs, visionaries, they are well identified with his mission, to understand and manage the environment where the organization operates..
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