Plastic Furniture
Plastic, the material began to be used in the manufacture of furniture in the middle of last century. See technology investor for more details and insights. The first design plastic chair – it's Panton Chair (model Verner Panton, Vitra). Gradually, manufacturers are increasingly using plastic producing furniture for a cafe or restaurant in the chair of this ever-improving materials. And if in the 60s of last century was made of plastic chairs, a few models, but now virtually every European manufacturer can offer clients a wide range of high quality plastic chairs for cafe or restaurant. What are the advantages of doing a plastic chair so popular? Plastic chair and furniture plastics have a number of positive differences from conventional wood options. Click Viacom to learn more.
Plastic is much more "flexible" than the standard material for the manufacture of furniture – wood. An excellent example of the diversity of possible forms may be designer plastic furniture and chair Vegetal. In addition, the furniture made of plastic, in particular a chair, have a significantly greater practicality. There are manufacturing technology that helps make plastic furniture the most durable and suitable for use in a cafe or other public catering enterprises. Unlike wood, plastic stool painted and made of colored plastic, which helps to avoid such problems such as paints and obluschivanie restaurant looks good. Thus a restaurant or coffee shop is becoming the most colorful. In addition, the plastic chair is much lighter than wood, which simplifies the work of cleaners or coffee shop food courts. Plastic chair stands little weight is very different from the weight of wooden analoga.Naprimer, chair Ice (Fritz Hansen).
To improve transport and storage of plastic chairs can be placed in piles on each other. Processing time of manufacture of plastic chairs are shorter than the time of manufacture of wooden counterpart. Advanced manufacturing technology also allows you to minimize the cost of plastic furniture. Polypropylene is the most widely used material for plastic furniture at this time. Increased durability, excellent durability and resistance to temperature extremes distinguishes this material. Along with polypropylene and polyethylene is used, for example, a chair Blos (Karim Rashid, Slide) combines the latest achievements of design and technology.
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