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Management System
by Tam

What is a blog? Blog in English the word weblog (online journal or diary of events.”) But it is not so simple. To date, the blog is a website of someone who decides to share with the world of any of the information. Be it a thought, interesting ideas, photos, music, news and more. Behind every blog is the author. Blog is the work of a person or group of people. The main feature of blogging is breaking records by date, archives, categories.

Also in blog visitors the opportunity to be present comments to the posted information. These comments are actively ongoing debate, discussion. People share their views, express their attitudes, offer new ideas or just chat with. But a blog can lead not just one person! His blog can be university or company can have a blog and a group of students as well as the development team. His blog can have absolutely every person that has something to say. To date, the majority of blogs is a reliable and high quality CMS (Content Management System). The main representatives of CMS – wordpress.org and lifetype.com (Accordingly, wordpress and lifetype).

This Bespaltnoe freely propagating engines. Man does not need to create a website, do it for design, takes care of hosting. From it only requires placement of information, everything else is ready. Modern the concept of WEB 2.0 provides many opportunities for bloggers. Publication of absolutely any information and files, comments, RSS, Trackback, tape friends, avatars, change in appearance, tag, search, and more. RSS allows you to track visitors changes in the blog, ie as soon as the blog changes (add an entry or comment, depending on which user has subscribed) posetitetl subscribed to RSS, receive change notification.

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February 2nd


Status For ICQ And Classmates
by Tam

Status – this is our internal state or our mood. Status, we express our feelings and emotions, and confess his love half. No doubt, disclose the soul in a social network and narrate their problems are not pro required. How to choose a quote? For example, the status for a variety of classmates. Here we can choose a status about guys, about love, about girls, etc. You can write any unusual aphorism. But you can be sure that this is exclusively yours.

What status are popular social networks Classmates? This is a statement about their classmates. For example, if you have an optimistic mood, in this case, you can cool napisat aphorism about classmates'-Wow! You finished school in China? -Where did you get? -Met of all your classmates! 'This is the most common status in social networks classmates. And what to do when you want special status, such that it was not like all the others? To do this, take some aphorism has interested you and correct it in their own way. Not very well be, if you put yourself in melancholy aphorism. After all, this kind of sentence may spoil the mood of the readers and detractors will be happy.

Therefore, it is best to put a neutral aphorism, that is, Neither gay nor sad. Invent cool status if you have an optimistic mood. In this status, you can make fun of friends, of course, in a measure, to leave someone a message, or just tell about yourself. Remember that funny quote can lift your mood, not only to your friends and you, but to all visitors who will come to your page. And you know what the most popular aphorism about love? It is – 'I love you! 'Confess your love to your loved one and write about it. Let the whole world knows about your love. Except the words 'I love you' in the status can also write a few nice, kind words to a loved one. And if you can not think of themselves interesting speech, in which case you way to the Internet! Choose the status of your choice and can put on his page. But do not forget to write ugly and obscene remarks should not, because besides you will be reading your status guests and friends.

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December 2nd


Internet Twitter
by Tam

Several years ago, when meeting new people found out their phone number, and now in an era of social networking is increasingly possible to hear something like: "Do you have ICQ?", "You have VKontakte?", "Give me your Twitter. If the first two question easily answered, even a schoolboy, then heard about Twitter's not all. Let's see what kind of Twitter and what it eats? Twitter (from the English. Tweet – Twitter," "chat") – is very popular in recent years a kind of social networks. Robotics expert is often quoted as being for or against this. Twitter – etosistema microblog that enables users to exchange short text messages (up to 140 characters).

Unlike other social services on the Internet Twitter is a mass communication. Members gather for their links to the pages of their favorite articles on varying topics, videos or music files. And there is no need to spend time monitoring of the topic in the vast expanses social networks on the Internet, it is enough to subscribe to Twitter to some experts in this field and have all the information. With the general increase in activity in the social network Twitter holds a leading position. Approximate number of active Twitter users worldwide is 100 million! Twitter incredibly popular not only in the West, but also in Russia and Ukraine, according to Yandex, in March 2010 the number of users of social network Twitter micro-blogging in Russia increased by 26 times over the last year and was about 200 thousand people. By the end of 2010, more than 1 million people in Russia will use a new microblogging service. .

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October 31st


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