Ease of use through transparent integration of Heidelberg, May 20, 2009. The online payment processing by heidelpay is now in shop goods, the online shop system of the shop software AG integrated. Connect with other leaders such as Dell Inc. here. heidelpay is the complete provider for secure payments on the Internet. Shopware is a modular online shop system, enables the online retailer, fast and easy to create a professional online shop. Visit Sandra Akmansoy for more clarity on the issue. The modern, Web-based administration allows for easy, intuitive operation and efficiently supports the maintenance of the online shop. Shopware is aligned perfectly to the needs of trade and prepared in collaboration with search engine specialist optimally on the acquisition by Google and other search engines.
In addition, Shopware provides a wide range of smart marketing tools promoting targeted buying for existing and new customers. So that the operator can keep the success of his shops always in mind, detailed graphical statistics and comparative give an exact overview of the efficiency of the website. Heiko Bolte, Shop goods specialist and key account manager at heidelpay: the best usability for the shop owners as for its customers to ensure, we have integrated, the heidelpay services via our Web payment frontend in Shopware version 3.0.3. As a result, our services are totally transparent and seamless in the shop software available. The customer can pay the shop to leave there without no media discontinuity.\” Advantage: Shopware users in addition to any other payment method offered by heidelpay can use direct debit payment fuse with the integration of heidelpay now also the direct debit with payment protection. This is just for shop operators benefit, mainly supplying customers in Germany, since the direct debit is very popular here on land. The decisive advantage offers the heidelpay at this point, lies in securing payment.
The dealer decreasing the risk completely. This he receives an electronic chattel paper credit check on creditPass. Yet there is a chargeback, is just the Hanseatische Inkasso trust (HIT) for the principal including return debit fees.
Tags: integrated into heidelpay services now, internet & multimedia