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Mystery Fever
by Tam

The “virtual puzzle book” R@SELFIEBER celebrates tenth anniversary these days. Andreas Weber, the inventor of virtual puzzle issue was already before the Millennium, one of the first programmers, the crossword puzzles from the newspaper on the World Wide Web ported. Only Sweden, syllables, and numbers crossword puzzle. Encouraged by the many positive feedbacks from the then still small Internet community, many other puzzle types were soon added. In addition, the puzzles with sweepstakes were linked to increase the incentive.

At the same time for many years, this was a unique feature of R@SELFIEBER. Other Internet sites had to offer, online crossword puzzles or competitions, but not both at the same time. Andreas Weber to the success of its puzzle page: “crossword puzzle are compared to text or picture puzzles relatively hard to program. Therefore, the competition in this area is manageable. And while other winning sites serve only to collect addresses, always the puzzles are available in the Foreground and not winning games. Important is of course that the puzzles with us is free.” This is also one of the reasons why others are so far always failed to copy the virtual puzzle book. “Who are all addressed from a purely commercial point of view their projects and had to give up after a few months, then always because hardly any money to earn, if there are other Web sites that offer the same free.” the crossword puzzle fan says Weber. Additional information is available at Mikkel Svane. “Includes a good deal of idealism to create such a page.” In the future a should be attention increasingly on the social networks.

Andreas Weber, that: “we are experimenting for some time with extra Raffles on Facebook. The social networks offer some new ways to organize puzzle contests, and the whole thing is certainly still much room for expansion.” Those puzzles friends that online rain their grey cells, can look forward in the next ten years in the mystery fever! R@SELFIEBER -The virtual puzzle book WeberKnecht Internet service holder Andreas Weber Wilhelm-Busch-Strasse 3 31812 Bad Pyrmont phone: 05281-9670670 contact person: Andreas Weber over raetselfieber.de: R@SELFIEBER around the turn of the Millennium the puzzles blacksmith and programmers Andreas Weber developed, transferred the concept of well-known books from the kiosk in the World Wide Web. Over the years grew the fanbase, as well as the number of different types of puzzles. Currently, monthly 25 different types of puzzles, contest and sweepstakes are offered. In addition, there is a daily online puzzle, a large archive of puzzles and puzzle greeting cards to send. Thus, R@SELFIEBER is the most varied with distance and most popular crossword puzzle page in the German-speaking Internet. All crosswords are online to solve Java applets. To win, there are mostly smaller prizes, but also some valuable travel. The participation in the competitions is free. It is enough Providing a valid E-Mail address. Keywords: Crossword puzzles, prize puzzles, puzzles page, online puzzles, Internet puzzles, sweepstakes



September 8th


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