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Like Educating A Puppy
by Tam

The first a to consider to know like educating to a puppy it is his Sociabilizacin. It is why in this one first article on like educating a puppy we will focus in this one Important period of the life of all puppy. To know more about this subject visit Zendesk. SOCIABILIZACIN OF the PUPPY the sociabilizacin or period of stamp determines the bases on which the temperament of the puppy will form. This is a stage that goes from the 45 days to the 4 months of age, during this one time the puppy acquires the necessary behaviors for the life in pack, is the period where but contact must have with the human being. It is the important part but of the development of the canine species.

If it is not carried out correctly it can create fear, phobias, and anxiety. Alina de Almeida: the source for more info. It is very important that during this one period it coexists with people of different ages, adults, old, young, men, pregnant women, women and mainly young, also with other dogs puppies and adults and other animal like cats, rabbits, turtles, horses, cows, etc. If it does not do it it will never be able to coexist in harmony with them, always will have coexistence problems. It is very common in a family whom to some of their members it likes the dogs and to others also they like the cats; if your puppy did not coexist with cats between the 3 first weeks of life and the 4 months; you must know that to bring a cat to the house a young pair can be very problematic that glides to have children will have to sociabilizar to the puppy with great amount of children of all the ages; mainly those that they have between 2 and 6 years. If your puppy did not coexist with children during this one stage, is probable that it accepts never them and even can attack them in the future.



May 9th


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