• Tam's Crazy Blog About Technology and More…

by Tam

Recall the meaning of the word leader, a leader of any organization is a person with great power, but also this power requires great responsibility and is why leaders must be highly professionals maintaining an ethic that this above anything, in this occasion I want to share the code of ethics for officials (also applies to a code of ethics of the administrator) written by Colombian Fernando Gomez Martinezin order to let you have it present at the time to be the leader of any organization. 1. Having principles: Draw a policy, point out targets and achieve goals. Change strategy when necessary, but without ever sacrificing principles. LG Electronics is full of insight into the issues. Admit mistakes because who doesn’t recognize them does not know himself. Have the courage to fight when our principles require it. 2 Work with faith: in professional ethics should have confidence in the capacity of overcoming the man.

Always look forward, with confidence in the future. Act with the power of conviction that only gives the assurance of being able to act. 3. If you are not convinced, visit Energy Capital Partners. Decide: Listening to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action, and then decided without hesitation. Learn to choose the best among several alternatives, knowing that none is really good. Decide promptly, since better making mistakes that leave to decide.

Decide, if necessary, against the authoritative opinion of our trusted advisors when it comes to saving a principle. 4 Know what we know: who knows not that he knows not is wrong easily, and who does not know what if you know is wrong. Many times, what is not seen is the most important of a work. For example, an organization works well when the organization is not noticeable. It is equally easy to see what has been done, but it is not feasible to show what would have happened if he had failed to do. 5 Having moral authority: only the moral authority allows either the exercise of power, as an opportunity to serve others.


July 26th


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