Thus, to design works include a wide range of results of human creativity, from art works, and ending only applied, for example, such as the appearance of the unit, bus, car or even a brick works design concept is often confused with the concept of industrial design. Law "On Patents for inventions, utility models and industrial designs" understood by the industrial design art or art-design solution for the object that determines its appearance, and under such a product refers to the subject of an industrial or handicraft production. Criteria of industrial design products are a novelty (the uncertainty in the world before the date of filing a patent application for industrial design) and originality, that is creative features of the product. Industrial designs can be attributed almost all the objects around us: computers, clothing, furniture sets, tableware, lamps, chandeliers, shopping and bus shelters as a small architectural forms, all kinds of building construction, interior as an architectural and decorating the room, the appearance of tractors, gas stoves etc. Noting that, considered in this article, concepts close in meaning, let us consider that the world has gone to practice ways to protect product designs as industrial property. Such protection implies a document of title – a design patent. The legislation also seeks to simplify procedures for issuance of patent for industrial design services.
Evidence can be found by resorting to legal services – in the new Patent Law, which repeals the examination on the merits. The patent for design is issued under the sole responsibility of the applicant, and the time of its receipt declined significantly from 2 years to 2-3 months. This patent is currently a dostatotchno easily.
Tags: law and order, Other