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Computer Modding
by Tam

'Computer modding' or 'How to make your computer a unique' This course will help you to make your computer unikalnym.Slovo tuning is used in cars, in fact is what you learn from this course "How to make your computer unique '. What is it' Computer modding '? Computer modding – it's like auto Tyunin. That is, the installation of new, deleting superfluous, lights, touch-up and other things that will allow your computer to be unique. Computer modding – is an art, hobby, hobbies, and if you desire, then biznes.Naprimer? Window cutting inside the system case. Installation of LEDs in the cd-rom, floppy. Adding decorative coolers. Installation ignition. Restoration of the old mouse.

The backlighting. And much more … Why? To stand out from the gray mass of computer users. To amaze your friends and colleagues. To make himself pleasant. To earn a etom.Kak? Easy.

Up to the task and the child. The methodology is painted all in great detail. Even if you've never held a soldering iron in hand, do not know what a drill or an LED – this is not a problem. Fast. For one or two a week can make the standard, does not perceptible, the computer work of art. Cheap. Material costs for modding is quite modest. At such a pleasure can expect almost any budget. Profitably. And who says you can not do this business? What do you need? Modding your computer so you will need these things: Management, you may have to buy. Some products electronics store. Tools (drill, wire cutters, pliers). Willingness and desire. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robotics expert and gain more knowledge.. Not very ruki.Chto curves obtained? See what you get: Order of the course 'How to make your computer a unique modding your computer' may be on the next URL:

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October 11th


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